On posts edited by Jabbath, converted to galleries

With all due respect Mr Jabbath seems to be getting too big for his boots lately also with moving stuff to suit his idea’s.

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@VHTV_James No no no. the discussion was in the beginning that Jin was spamming the topic with pictures that it should be in a gallery. But hey your the boss right. :-1:

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I must admit you are not the only one sharing this opinion, that’s why I’m considering running several additional polls on:

  • The need to grant TL4 to anybody else
    • Users suggestions on members who, they believe, would fit into TL4 role & it’s responsibility requirements.

Just a clarification, as for now, Jabbath is the only TL4 member of the forum, which was granted by me when I shared the forum to the public in August. This was needed to help me with setting the topics & other stuff up, and now I’m sure we should have more TL4 members to keep the forum clean.

And, of course, we as community might be able to oust TL4 members to lower tier, taking away their responsibilities.

You are wrong. There was the only discussion on preventing users from spamming with posts, when they always have an opportunity just to include every consecutive content into one or up to X posts. Then the gallery idea came up, and I told everyone it is absolutely not obligatory to follow. There is no rule for pictures to be in gallery only, where did you get this idea from? The link would be helpful.

What ever. :v:

What ever what? I’m sorry, you accused me of something I believe I did not do. Could you please either provide it with proof or accept you got it wrong?

Just for interest what does TL4 mean? I am quite aware Jabbath has far more rights than any other Moment Operator which he does seems to take advantage of on many occasions and trying to impose his will on others. I have nothing against Jabbath but this meddling has to stop as it is getting many members rather pissed off on occasions. :roll_eyes:

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Sorry then it was your CEO that said it should be in gallery’s because it makes scrolling more easier.

Trust level 4…given to users, progressively during their time on the forum.

To be honest the Gallery or grid method is a good idea if members want to post a great number of images but a limit of 3 is maybe a bit small perhaps 8-10 could be a compromise if members would rather post them normally. I admit too much scrolling can be a pain in the ass but is easier to view in many members minds.

Yes, very much easier.

I totally agree with you on that but Jin never did that it was always 3 or 4 pictures at a time.

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Thanks David, so we only have one at that level eh :rofl: The trouble is with that much over riding control ones bias can get in the way of many members will. I don’t want to keep on about it but it does piss many members off.

Everyday there seems to be new rules made i thought all pics were meant to be in gallery forum when posting more than 1 now it’s a different story i have said it before and numerous times this forum is a complete and utter mess.

It’s very rare Jin even posts pics anyway.

He was only posting pictures at the realm of Maddy & Rocco. And most of us fucked that up for him. Me included to that.

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Do I understand correctly that you are talking about splitting the topics to scrap out the “off-topic” posts which are subject to Jabbath’s opinion in this case? If so, I think it would be best to stop cleaning up the “off-topic” unless such posts get reported. What do you think about it?

I think she took offense by consecutive posts limits, but in the same time, Jin’s account was suspended at Forum 2 days ago for 1 week (until Monday) by me, in response to her posts being reported as insulting, which I had to agree to. One of those insulted forum member(s) directly.

and I hope the things will stay like that about the moderators because more there is moderators on a forum and more there is problems , I left the camcaps forum because of that

He not only took offense of the posts limits but also the idea of gallerys. I cant blame him for the gallerys do.

I supported the concerns raised about the posting limits too. I still do agree with said concerns.