On posts edited by Jabbath, converted to galleries

In all honesty i do think the ignore function is a bit c___dish really after all if you don’t like it just move on and not take the bait. Trouble is too many people like taking the bait so they can get involved and thus stir it up even further which then results in insults sometimes.

Nop… Just let everything get a big confusion… don’t bother with that and let the flags system work

I know it may seem weird but if you ignore the comments it still comes up as unread comments at the bottom, a small thing but it bugs the s__t out of me. If that person was not allowed to see your comments it would be far easier.

Personally I very rarely use that.

And they even appear on the latest topics

Regarding galleries - I see no point in changing them back except Stanley’s. Others didn’t mind ergo it’s just waste of time in my eyes. Jabs (hopefully :slightly_smiling_face:) learnt his lesson and can now again focus more on lighting, kindergarten and turn off lights :roll_eyes: :rofl:.

Regarding off-topics - sure, let’s try flag system and see where it goes. Personally I didn’t have problem with moving any of my post (and there was more than few :blush:). I never understood why people are so attached to them.

I generally think that unless a post breaks a rule it should be left as the original poster made it.

I do feel off topic posts should be moved, I hate wading through 30+ posts to find most don’t touch on the actual topic.

A mod will never please everyone, and some will always choose to be offended at anything that mod may do in the course of their duties.

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It certainly doesn’t look that way Rob. You are always picking at him.

I’ve never personally had problems with Jab, what has he apparently been getting up to?

I honestly think if you’re going to give T4 to anyone else it should be @David , he seems calm, collected and genuinely nice to everyone, so a___es are very unlikely to ever occur.

Nahhh not really, we can all be annoying at times :rofl:
We get on ok :+1:

Rob annoying ? who said that neverrrrrrrrrr , bitch y sometimes maybe time of the month or big Mama chased him :rofl:

I’m ok in the middle of the month, any other time just pot luck :rofl:

No member should have the right ti edit, delete, or alter a post on the forum no matter what. The Moderators and Administrators have these options when a post is reported or flagged as the case may be. They also follow a very strict set of rules if they are true moderators in using their authority. Giving authority to one member or many members to edit other members posts is simply put unacceptable in any forum or blog where you have moderation and administration already in place. Your asking for flame baiting and dissention among the membership if this is not nipped in the bud ASAP !!!

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You are the one who is wrong. The attack on me in Maddy’s place wasn’t about the consecutive post issue. That came later when you got mad at me for asking people to post a comment so I could post again. You then cut the post cap from 6 to 3. The issue wasn’t because of the 3 consecutive post limitation. I got crushed over the pic posting, which lead to your launch of the gallery feature. I said fuck that cause I didn’t like it. You, yourself combined my pics into a gallery to show me. You told me that you were even considering making the gallerization of images automatic. This, no doubt, gave Jabbath the green light to feel like it was acceptable for him to do this too. It wasn’t until Stanley called foul that everything changed, which clearly caught Jabbath off guard and then in this topic you pulled the carpet out from under him. I must admit that was quite hilarious. Anyways @Darkknight1973 was right in his defense of me. I’m am glad to hear that you are not going to automatically gallerize people’s posts and more importantly that Jabbath got his hand slapped from doing it either.

You need an independent moderator that only has VHTV’s interests in mind. Someone who has nothing to gain from a relationship with your members. Someone who can’t be swayed with good tidings and information sharing. Someone who doesn’t moderate based on their own likes and dislikes. Someone who isn’t known here. Someone who isn’t friends with anyone, but VHTV. But, you won’t do it. You’ll continue to reward the mob with more perks and more TL4 power that will be used to maintain their style and oversight of the board. By style I mean, fun, and by fun I mean putting down your tenants they don’t like while promoting those who fit their groove and bolsters their relationships with those “good” managers and tenants. You seem to be giving these people more respect than the people in front of the cams.

YES!!! Very good idea!!

Absolutely! The problem right now is that what gets considered off topic and deserving of getting moved is almost exclusively dependent on Jabbath’s personal preference and personal relationships.

IMHO, this is one HUGELY terrible idea!!! I don’t think you could have a worse scenario in a forum. We’ve already seen what happens when one user changes other peoples’ posts, and, thankfully, you put a stop to it. Now, imagine you’ve got a dozen or more users doing the same thing on a whim at their discretion. Total chaos would ensue. Try and imagine the number of user complaints.

Nobody should be editing anyone’s posts, except an official moderator, preferably one who is what I said above. Giving Jabbath so much power turned this forum into his personal forum. Someone who joined without knowing anything would think he is an administrator.

While this may be true, it’s also true that you need much more objective moderators than what you currently rely on.

Moderators, yes, but NOT USERS. You need an outside source, NOT USERS.

It’s very easy to tell if something is rude, offensive, derogatory, insulting, contemptuous, disparaging, disdainful, etc. Just look at what was said. It’s the words that make the determination, not who said it or who it was said to or who it was said about or what the conversation is about or who you know, etc.

For example, if you call someone a bitch, a moron, an asshole, a retard, an idiot, and I’ve seen much worse, those are offensive insults. In fact, “retard” is known as the R-word, just like “fuck” is known as the F-word and “n*****” is known as the N-word. They are considered to be such offensive slurs that the abbreviations are used instead of the actual words. The words themselves make the determination. That’s just a small example of objective moderation.