Nude House

Really well I expect I will get over it :rofl:

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IMO, we are not their parents, if they don’t have good manners oh well. We shouldn’t be tattling and telling teacher about minor things.

clearly you dont think its bad maybe you piss in the sink to

Maybe they wash the dishes for it in the toilet bowl … :rofl:

Estoy de acuerdo, aquĂ­ la gente es muy entrometido y quiere meterse en sus vidas, si ellos hacen esas cosas no somos quienes para juzgarlos y decirles lo que deben de hacer, nosotros estamos para observar no para educarlos.

Time for me to bow out of this conversation thread, you don’t agree with me and I don’t agree with you and the discussion will not go anywhere.

ok ,but most members on here i would think will say its not good to piss in the sink or a bottle ,i know June done this in the other place ,but the toilet was not working

I actually agree with you on that, I think pissing in the sink or a bottle is juvenile and not the most hygienic thing. I just don’t think it merits a complaint to site and management. But again agree to disagree.

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She has a gorgeous set of lips on that pussy!!!

mmmm not gay but nice bisex entertainment…

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where? when?

on the living room couch…

what time it was?

I agree, I think that their pissing habits are fucking disgusting but hey it is their habits, I cannot even imagine writing to support because I disagree with something like that.

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here is a beautiful bunch of idiots! :astonished:

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who will invite to eat at his place

In this house I would be cautious about eating or _____ing from any vessel. It could have been pissed into…

get rid of this redhead prick ,then i will eat there and after wards ,i fuck June

must be cold there or there is no heating working