Nude House

Do not shoot the messenger :joy:

Not doing that, just asking if the outside cams were ever followed on or are we just supposed to forget.

Til now we always got outside cams when promised by VHTV. (realm31 / realm12) So why not here too someday…

Why are these two numpties even here? What do they add apart from weirdness.

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is the moon not made of green cheese then

i said this before the redhead needs to go

maybe thats where Katia is now living

we do not criticize the future of Greater Russia! :laughing:

I’ve never been. Apparently you can’t get a decent cup of tea up there, and there’s no gift shop, so there’s not much point really. I mean, what is life without a decent cup of tea and an amusingly shaped rock with googly eyes hot-glued on and a butt crack crudely painted on the reverse and a poorly placed sticker on the bottom bearing the words ‘YOU’VE BEEN MOONED!’? NASA really let the side down. Idiots. apollo 17 moon GIF

He’s been at it with her all afternoon, sure got stamina will say that for him and her come to that :rofl: Still it’s a job sort of i suppose :rofl:


Jaro’s strategy is clearly to be outrageous and this was clearly achieved today. I cannot recall such extensive anal play in VH. They even tried it with a lighted candle! I also am amused by redheads propensity to erect whatever or where ever the company. Whether you like or dislike it, the team is breaking new ground.

to be fair i rather have a cup of coffee

Everyone tried this in the house ! :rofl: :four_leaf_clover:


I am beginning to think that Jaro does like it! 04:52:00 cam 13.

In subdued lighting, the hairs on June’s arms are golden. Perhaps she doesn’t want to be fair or blond?

Could be that Jaro is grooming him for a limited threesome role.

Cam 12 blocked.

yes you like before house naked with senior couple

Hopefully they were told that the isp problems were resolved.

And back from ISP hell. Lots of bedroom action if you like s___ping peeps. :grin: :+1:

That’s why I am not sure whether the message got through.