Nude House

What language ain’t he learning :rofl:

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I should think so too tosser😊

I am sure russia is a very beautiful country from what images i have seen and am sure you are very proud of your heritage :+1:

According to my surveys, each person has this list of their wonders of the world.

Every place of the world has something special and nice. I guess even Somerset? :rofl:

Sorry couldn’t resist, pal :wink:

Well the cider is nice, that much I do know!! :slight_smile: I like the accent from there as well.


No problem, England has many many beautiful areas each with their own characteristics :+1: And i hate to say it but so has Scotland :rofl:

Oh arrrrrr we ave luverly zider :rofl: and such friendly people as well :rofl:

Looks as if nude house is having an away day today.

In other words a normal day :smiley:

who is that in junes bedroom

Charlie aka grandpa. He keeps disturbing the other people in the house and adds nothing. I really hope he will fuck off soon.

Noooooooooooooo I love Creepy, at least he does things.

Grandpa and grandma occupying the white bedroom. They are just a waste of space…

Oooops sorry my bad wrong house.

If they have four ‘spare’ mattresses to play with my guess is that there might be spare bedroom capacity in the house.

or just a loggia used for storage, didn’t they say there was a garden to this place? I caught a glimpse of trees through the window above the front door. perhaps there’s a garage. or a summer house, perhaps there’s a family somewhere wondering why thieves only took their beds. (joke)

It was said when the house opened there will be cams outside later…

Lots of things were said when the house opened. :grin: Maybe we will be treated to naked people cavorting in the garden. Maybe the moon is made of green cheese.

Did anyone actually follow up on that?