Nina & Kira

I’d really like to see a picture of the two in their wedding outfits. If it cannot be posted here maybe someone could repost one on camcaps? I just registered to that forum but all the old attachments seem to be gone. Or is is for some reason altogether inappropriate to repost such old stuff?

Is Nina working again

quel est ton nom sur camcaps?

It is not the VH forum that is the problem with posting pictures from RLC, but RLC itself. They constantly check the web for pictures from their pages and if they discover it, they can see the user and then you will be banned. Otherwise I would have liked to have posted someone here.

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retour enneigé pour les filles

Enhance. Enhance. Unfortunately real life doesn’t work like tv shows where you can get razor sharp close-ups from a few pixels of a blurry image. We’d all be zooming in on the road signs…

I’ve done some more tattoo research and found something. Not that I’d have a tattoo fetish, but with the language barrier the tattoos are one of the very few clues to learn something about the girls. And it is a nice pastime for a lazy sunday afternoon. Googling for lesbian runes led me down a rabbit hole to identify two, possibly three of Nina’s tattoos.

The symbols on Nina’s chest and left shoulder blade seem to originate from a series of fantasy novels “The Mortal Instruments” by Cassandra Clare. Some urban fantasy setting with a conflict between angels and demons, and the protagonists all have these magical(?) runes all over their bodies, I guess they are not just tattoos. There has been a movie adaptation “City of Bones” which didn’t get the intended sequels and a tv show “Shadowhunters” which ran for three seasons.

The symbol on Nina’s chest is the Angelic Power Rune, a central symbol of the series which appears in a lot of promo material, you’ll find screenshots of a character with that same tattoo at the same spot. The symbol on Nina’s left shoulder blade is the Gift/Talent rune and, according to some wikis, associated with a wish for greatness. One would guess this relates to Nina’s musical ambitions.

Further googling for weapons associated with the material shows a lot of curved blades with rune inscriptions. For lack of a better idea I’m willing to assume the Tattoo on Nina’s left forearm is something like that, although none of the found images looks much like it. Maybe the tattoo simply predates the production design of movie and tv show.

It sure is a generational thing, but I’m a little sceptic about so many young folks getting so many tattoos these days. From own experience there are many things that might seem deep and meaningful at one point in life, and not so much five years further down the road. I hope she won’t regrett getting these tattoos in the future. At least the runes are abstract and nondescript, the knife thingy however is not very subtle.

I don’t want to belittle Nina for being so enthusiastic about works of fiction, on the contrary, I find that very relatable and could tell stories of my own about fictions that mean quite a lot to me. Suffice to say that if I were the tattoo type I’d probably have at least a Starfleet symbol on my chest.

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Kira all alone again,it’s starting to get a joke now ! When Nina does come home,she’s on that b___dy phone half the night Refazer please tell us what’s going on

Bonjour. Avant toute chose je tiens à dire que je ne sais pas tout de leur vie en extérieur, en particulier sur leur vie familiale même si avec quelques autres on a la chance d’avoir des photos de leur famille. Et je ne passe pas mon temps à les harceler de questions. Je les respecte trop pour cela. Les infos viennent aussi des autres amis de VH qui communiquent avec elles. Pour ce qui est de la situation actuelle , je n’ai pas d’inquiétude. -Nina travaille beaucoup en ce moment, la journée puis le soir (projet artistique).Et dire que certains pensent qu’elle est paresseuse. -Les trajet vers ST P. sont long (Leur maison est à la campagne) -elles vont aussi parfois dans leurs familles respectives.(leur homosexualité n’est pas bien accepté par tous.) Enfin ,c’est une vie de couple presque classique(à part les caméras :joy:)

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A l’instant Kira vient de m’envoyer une photo de toutes les deux ensembles aujourd’hui. Elle me précise que cela fait 10 ans qu’elles sont ensemble.

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where the girls from the other day are

Ze is weer schoon voor de nacht!! :heart_eyes:


Kira watches her darling in concert


Das war doch das wunderbare Konzert im letzten Sommer. Tolle Musik.

Does anyone have a link to Nina’s music?

10 min to 0300 and Nina is home.

I have to say, that is some impressive investigative journalism there, sir! Well done! Keep digging my friend, as you peel back the layers of the onion you will discover more and more as to why these two girls are so intriguing and captivating to so many (including me lol). :+1:

You tube in pop music

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That’s not very helpful without some search criteria to go with it. You can’t just say, OK, YouTube, find me all of Nina’s music. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: