Nina & Kira

Je kan niet alles hebben, volgende keer staan ze misschien andersom :upside_down_face:

je bedoelt zo ?? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :rofl:




Is that Nina she looks totally different. Wonderful she looks there

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That is Kira❤️

our angel is back


Kira is cold Volunteers to warm her up

hell yea brother :drooling_face:

Happily!!! Would love to be “big spoon” for her.
Now if somebody could just loan me a teleportation device… :rofl:

LOL!! What a joker! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

beautiful voice

Lekker badderen en straks weer schoon d’r bedje in!!! :heart_eyes:


Alone again Nina still has to work

Can it be that the two girls are the only ones who go to work? Or are there other couples who work

Most couples don’t work they are an exception , that’s why they can live in a beautiful house…

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Marla & Hector also work from home Timotheo also have a regular job (now from home because covid) A lot of girls in different realms on site that also have their porno jobs outside I may be forgetting some…

The cat ensures that Kira does not feel lonely, cats sense that…


That definitely looks like tv studio lighting conditions and the two clip-on microphones only confirm this. Which only makes me more curios about her music career. And the higher quality camera reveals another tattoo to investigate. I thought underneath those little stars was a curved blade like a scimitar or such, but it actually is a written word. Can’t decipher it yet, but it is on the list of things to look out for…

They act like they are 90yrs. And have the sex drive of a 60yr car battery!! LOL