Nina & Kira

Finally back home after a long day


Dinner waiting on the table. Pure love. I would give both of my nuts for a girl like Kira. After all, she has no need for them LOL :heart_eyes:

animiertes-gif-von-online-umwandeln-de (24)


I don’t know how I feel about Kira’s shower scene from yesterday being added to the archive. Kira was having a bad day yesterday. I’d guess lonelyness of Nina’s very long working hours is getting to her. So while she was in bathroom it all became a little too much and she started crying. Do we really want to archive somebody’s moments of misery as a highlight of the day? For real life authenticity’s sake? Would it be too much to ask for a scene being edited or deleted from the archive? I guess whoever added the scene to the archive may not have watched the whole thing

Well it was not me adding it but speaking of me when I save a shower I see a naked girl in the shower and save it. We won’t watch the whole shower. We set the starting and end point. And we won’t make an exception for this place.

Isn’t this what this apartment is all about whether it be good bad or indifferent, many people will complain that it isn’t real, well if what you say is that she was emotional then that IMO is the most authentic you will see where some will like and some won’t. As to if it should be removed well that is between VHTV and the participants.

What does OMI mean?

IMO = in my opinion :wink:

a lot of s___p to catch up


She is spoiled again by Kira

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back to good habits


The tasks are divided again as usual, I prefer to look in the kitchen… :heart_eyes:



I took the same snapshot, but you beat me to posting it, they look so serious!

Nina’s f____r came to pick up his cat. Much friendship for him from Kira

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hello, my first comment in this forum: someone moved the camera compared to the day before yesterday. Maybe it was the big spider from a few days ago.

Nei,det var Kira som skulle ta ned noe ovenfor kameraet som forandret stillingen,men hun justerte det slik som det står nå

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thats my kind of sandwich

Happy couple :heart_eyes:


jammer dat de verkeerde aan de linker kant staat :crazy_face: was het beeld nog mooier geweest