Nina & Kira

Been a nice day today here but just stuck my head outside and it’s pissing down right now.

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Must get my glasses as can’t read that :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

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Have you got a guide dog as well😎

Never without one pal , always helpful :laughing:
Well the yanks always think big is beautiful :roll_eyes:

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Finally you go from an empty apartment to an offline apartment… :joy: :joy:

Are you surprised?

not at all…

now we can play guess how many apples I say 38

I think there are 30 apples :green_apple:and while we are about it ,why is there a camera on the floor in the music room Not working ?


That was a quick visit

More important things to do obviously :roll_eyes:

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I see SP have got there first snow of the winter ,the girls will soon be out making a snowman for Sam :snowman_with_snow:

Don’t think he is quite old enough for snowmen yet :laughing:

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How about a snow c___d then

I’m at 33 apples

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now we can watch the apples ripen and turn red then brown

info for those who are interested which explains the continued absence of the girls. Little Sam is seriously ill


oh no !!! my prayers for the little one. This is such sad news.

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