Nina & Kira

i believe you :rofl:

There is also a lot of live video of Nina and even Kira at the Theater. They don’t want any connection between their public activity and VHTV. Russia is a country where lesbians are not very well seen.

Which makes it even more silly why they want to stay on here as surely they are risking their future, what ever it may be,

I will give you their phone number, you will give them advice directly, you who seem to know what is good for others. :wink:

But it is always about money, being here is money for nothing.

No need to get sarcastic was only stating the obvious implications but if you wish to ignore that as well that’s up to you. Would have thought you may have advised them better than me :roll_eyes:

And you know what they say about money eh?

Yes, it makes the world go round.

You’ve been wanting to see them disappear from VHTV for several years, I don’t know why. You have the right to dislike them but accept that many like them and they are not stupid or naive people.

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  • A fool and his money are soon parted. …
  • A good name is better than riches. …
  • A good payer is master of another’s purse. …
  • A good paymaster never wants workmen. …
  • Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. …
  • He who pays the piper calls the tune. …
  • Health is better than wealth.

I was thinking more of the root implications :rofl: of, root,the, evil, is, money,all. Re arrange to suit whatever :rofl:

And during our philosophical discussions Kira continues to tinker :joy:

When I first arrived I use to love watching them but then it got a bit boring so seldom watch now. They are by far and I mean by far not the most boring apartment so I still click to view. They are both beautiful, they have a nice house and I enjoy their pets. I have no reason for wanting them gone.

Hopefully the cables are for more cams :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

my answer was for Robwin

I know I was just giving my views

Oy vey! Time for a trim, girlfriend!

But these continue to remain magnificent!


Another old saying… Familiarity breeds contempt.

And what does that have to do with money

Absolutely nothing, was just saying :rofl: