Nina & Kira

Dont’ you love how their ardent fans love to drip the odd information but refuse to say any more so b___dy comical really. :crazy_face:

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I can see the point though, there are some real fucking weirdos here and she could be tracked by naming the show. To you and I we see no harm in releasing the name but the weirdos can’t be trusted.

So why even b___dy mention it in the first place? just to let us know that they know and we don’t eh :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

This could lead us to think that having great success could lead to problems for Nina. There may always be someone who appears with a collection of internet videos in which he does not appear exactly singing.

Maybe because he is afraid of being silenced by the stormtroopers of privacy? :skull:

Are we going to be seeing more cams being added. :innocent:

Sorry, but if I give you too much info about this comedy, it will be easy for you to find Nina’s real name. They play under their real name, they don’t want too many people to know their last name.

It’s nice to know she has a good job.

And yes, the specifics are the kind of information that we don’t need to present on a silver platter exactly where some unhealthily obsessed individuals might start looking for it. Though there’s always the risk of the side job backfiring on the main profession, being recognized by subscribers in real life. Performing on stage surely raises the probability.

Off topic: Talking about musicals, have you guys seen the new West Side Story? Spielberg’s best movie in quite a long time…

I have a feeling we know her real name from a music vid released some time ago if i recall correctly but won’t go into that now. Mums the word eh :roll_eyes:

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I sure hope so, and it could be, as their house is currently offline.

Kira in DIY mode

something of the subject looking around they have a nice place

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Ooops, it just came back online! :no_mouth:

Am sure she would eventually be recognised by appearing on here but then that’s her problem i suppose.
The internet will always bite you on the bum sooner or later and normally when you least expect it.

If she makes it to Hollywood I promise not to say anything. :innocent:

In any case since their return I see that they have a lot of people who love them. And there has been no sex scene.

Well if you are into public entertainment etc VH is the last place you want to show your face on, apart from other parts :rofl:

Well a bit late to stop sex scenes now there are many on the internet. But no doubt we shall get the odd one every so often.

Several videos circulate, especially from his first time in RLC, from a couple of threesomes that they did with other girls to others of them alone.

But I repeat that the secret will die with me … :rofl: