Nina & Kira

[ you have to be seen by a specialist, but one of the good ones

We know the rules to they say 48hr unhabited then offline.

alors encore 48h

And another and another and another :rofl: Yeah yeah yeah

I don’t know why people are moaning about 48 hrs in an empty house ,you don’t have to watch if VH find it necessary they will switch them off

I only come here for the peace & quiet away from all the s__te you guys speak :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

aprĂšs le repas des chats, le repas du chien :rofl:


Not really moaning but just don’t understand why some members would even want to watch an empty house, is it some sort of house fetish or something :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Il y a beaucoup de choses que l’on ne comprend pas dans la vie,.

If they want to watch an empty house then fine what’s the issue?

But you and Jabathina are the only ones moaning about it in here. :wink: :rofl:

I thought the french knew it all :rofl:

By the way Rob I don’t watch,it’s like watching F1 it’s boring

And your point is? :roll_eyes:

Why are you moaning about it? :slight_smile:

ça frĂŽle le racisme anti français MĂȘme si tu le dis en plaisantant (ce que je ne crois pas)Si tu veux aller sur ce terrain dis le. Ensuite comprendre ne veut pas dire connaitre.

Not moaning just making an observation, you got a problem with that? :wink:

We would call it sarcasm.

Yeah, I will meet you in the playground after school and sort it out. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Leave them alone and it will go off in time and that will be that and no point winding them up like you and Jabathina are. :slight_smile:

P____ls at dawn then at 20 paces eh :rofl: bit worried my hand may start shaking though :rofl:

Perhaps conkers might be safer :rofl:

mais pourquoi les font-ils souvent déménager ???