Nina & Kira

c’était papa et maman Nina.

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Oh come on thats stretching legality a bit ain’t it :rofl:
So as long as anybody walks in and out every 2 days that’s ok is it :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Basically yes. The rules are not more specific there. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

That’s total bulls__t, obviously preferential treatment going on here or is Nina fucking someone at VHTV :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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c’est drôle, on dirait que ça t’embête que l’appartement reste visible. Pour info le père du bébé est le patron de Vh, mais chut!!

The rules apply to everybody. Basically there was no v_______n here.

Yeah yeah yeah if you say so, as i said,total bulls__t. :rofl:

The rule yes. It should be more specific for every place. :wink:

No comment, obviously you make them up as you go along :rofl:

Are they waiting for Kira to have her baby before they shut down so they can show a photograph of m____r and c___d, just a thought :breast_feeding:

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I do not know. But frankly speaking if I were them and they know they can make a bit more with occassional clicks on the place and when they stay within the rules I would do the same. :wink:


cette maison peut recevoir des invités sérieux. sur des cours séjours.

la ferme pédagogique de Nina& Kira.

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If you know they are not there then simply do not click on that realm. Read the forum to get updates if it has been taken over by other people

They must know the rules ,they’re VH managers

Don’t worry Big Ted is looking after the house

Kira n’a pas encore accouché .Peut être pas de césarienne.

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Is Kira in hospital yet

non elle est chez elle “Pas prêt apparemment”

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