Nina & Kira

None of the participants or managers are on the list of sanctioned people in Russia. So it is not forbidden to send them money.

I was talking about banks and companies in Europe breaking sanctions.

Rubles have never been more expensive than now

Theoretically. Nobody will be so stupid to buy Ruble in bigger amounts right now

Tu pense donc que l’argent qui va aux participants arrivent grñce aux pigeons voyageur .Non elle transite par des organismes bancaires. C’est bien ce que je dit , tu es naïf.

They already work, Kira is on maternity leave

No you are naive thinking nowadays you still need banks to transfer money :joy: :man_facepalming:

cela fait trĂšs longtemps qu’elles sont dans la vie active (dĂ©jĂ  sur RLC).VH est un plus pour elles

I am wondering on which site they earned better
? :wink:

??? que veut tu dire?

Media: 10 European customers agree to pay gas for rubles

Wednesday 27 Apr. 2022 at 12:20

/ ritzau /

Four gas customers in Europe have already paid in rubles for Russian gas, say sources close to Gazprom.

At least 10 European buyers have agreed to pay for Russian natural gas in rubles.

They have done so by setting up accounts in Gazprombank, as required by the Russian government.

It writes the news media Bloomberg.

Here, a source close to Gazprom says that four of the customers have already made payments in rubles.

No countries or gas importers are mentioned by name.

Russia has announced that it is shutting off gas to Poland and Bulgaria because the two countries do not pay in rubles.

The EU says it only has contracts for Russian gas in euros and dollars. They call it an attempt at b_______l by President Vladimir Putin.

With the demand for payment in rubles, Russia wants to support the Russian currency, which is hard pressed by the international sanctions after the invasion of Ukraine.

The source tells Bloomberg that it will probably not be until the second half of May that the gas for several Russian customers will be cut off. In case they do not want to pay with rubles.

If they made more money on RLC or VHTV? :wink:

Those are pussies and they should be sanctioned :rage:

je n’ai pas Ă©voquĂ© cela, je disais juste que au moment oĂ» elles Ă©taient sur RLC elles avaient un travail.

I might be wrong but i don’t think they got paid on RLC but had the apartment provided free as all others on RLC.


And my question was simple what project earned them more?

  • A) RLC
  • B) VHTV

So RLC does not pay and only give the apartment?

il a dĂ» y avoir un problĂšme de traduction car je n’ai parlĂ© de la rĂ©munĂ©ration des appart

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That is what i understood at the time, all utility bills were also paid by RLC so all they had to find was money for food etc etc. That is why most of them on RLC, at least then, worked in outside employment.
That is how i thought it worked then. May have changed since i don’t know?
The girls always worked then, often from home.

tout à fait mais Kira avait un travail extérieur

Yes i thought so, wasn’t Nina home most of the time unless she was on a gig?