Nina & Kira

I read it wrong sorry

Maybe because they need the money. Maternity payments is just 16,000-18,000 Rb = 300 Euro per month

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No reason anymore to convert Rubles to € as the money is basically worthless outside Russia and nobody will convert it to € for you anymore

You’re too naive if you think so - lots of countries are NOT participating in the sanctions against Russia - China - India as the biggest. A certain bank in Cyprus (EU) sends money to Russia without any problems. Deposit the Euro and the recipient gets the Ruble into his Account Do you not believe me? Check out

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I will check them out and when they really offer that report them to the police.

Okay I reported them to Europol for helping circumventing sanctions.

tu es trùs naïf , finalement
Il y a pas mal de façon d’envoyer de l’argent en Russie5il suffit de passer par des pays qui commercent toujours avec la Russie et ils sont nombreux.

I know that. And I am not naive. I did my part. Now no longer on me what will happen now.

tu es le gendarme du monde.

You beat me to it as I was going to add it to the EU’s alert list of breaking EU’s sanctions. :wink:

Edit: damn it, still did it anyway. :slight_smile:

tu voudrais que l’on ne puissent plus envoyer de l’argent en Ukraine

Can you send me link to that please :wink:

I can send money there via PayPal

How do you think VH pays its participants?

les gars vous rĂȘvez, on pourra toujours envoyer de l’argent en Russie.

That is none of my business :stuck_out_tongue:

Donc tu ne veux pas que l’on puissent envoyer de l’argent en Russie mais vous continuez Ă  payer un abonnement dont la majoritĂ© de l’argent part en Russie. Pas trĂšs logique tout cela.

Correct me if I’m wrong but does our subscription money not eventually go to Russian realms, making us breaking sanctions by giving money to the Russian economy, or am I a million miles off :thinking:

tu as tout a fait raison, notre argent va en Russie par l’intermĂ©diaire de VH

Kira et Nina doivent rentré dans la vie active elle vont devenir parent ,

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