Nikki, Arina

Bless You/ Gesundheit/Prosit, Nikki :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :joy: :hugs:

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No matter what happens here, or doesn’t happen here, Nikki is a peach. I’m just glad to check in here now and then, and have her grace my computer screen with her mere presence :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Apparently, so is Tom and Jerry :laughing:


Yeah but that is where you s__t out pal, they are more hands on :wink:

Now ease down there my dear man, I hardly ever s__t out! On the other hand, obviously you are correct about Tom & Jerry. Imagine having them on the forum, could have been rather entertaining :laughing:

Actually, I don’t know if you will agree with me, but it seems like it would be better if we at least saw more of Marina? at least as a guest etc. Maybe she can do something with his bf or someone…

Although Nikki is unfortunately not the same person she used to be, maybe Marina can help improve this situation?

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Marina does pop round most early evenings for a couple of hours but only for a chat or coffee etc and of course looking at their phones. Nothing else seems to happen these days.
Would be nice if her and Marina were a bit more playful but can’t see that happening to be honest.
That fat old guy seems to stay the night every few weeks but apart from that it is a vey boring existence.

Hows this new News section coming along as nothing seems to have transpired yet.

Yes, I don’t like seeing that boring uncle either, but about Marina, to tell the truth, she is one of the people I want to see more.

2-3 weeks ago, she was arguing on the phone with a man (maybe her boyfriend ) at the time you mentioned, thats why I said.

Also, Marina is at least not shy like the guests in other realms, maybe she can at least add a different “color” to this realm.

(post deleted by author)

Will look forward to reading it :+1:

Funnily there is a News section now which seemed to have been started for any ideas on the format.

Funnily there is a News section now which seemed to have been started for any ideas on the format.

Copied it to myself for some unknown reason :laughing: