Naked apartments

Here’s the start of a list of apartments where it might be nice IF participants were naked, quite laterally ALL the time.

Mars and Jessi (Mars in particular) Markus, Sunny and Angelo (all males who are frequently seen on camera there) … Who would you add to the list (male or female)?

Oh amen to that!! Best suggestion I have seen so far!! :rofl:


Well maybe when enough people suggest it might become reality one day :wink:


I could list a good few where I think this should happen but not sure it would be appropriate in this thread.

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Why don’t you make a new topic in the suggestions category about it?

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D’you know, I might just do that! :slight_smile: Thank you for the suggestion. Just to make sure I get it right, did you mean the website feedback one?

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Yes I meant that one :wink:

Thought so… right, will do!


Dylan & Kylara Benjamin

We can forward this idea to all participants, in hope that somebody will catch it up and turn this into running challenge.

The results of this challenge will only depend on your views and those who will become interested in watching it. If it sinks - it sinks, alright?

Animated GIF


Yes please do! :slight_smile:

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Why have our comments about setting this thread up, appeared here in the thread itself? We discussing it elsewhere, yet I actually see our entire conversation about it here.

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Because these were off the topic there. As for now this is the best way to deal with that - separating them off the original topic to the one which it should fit better.

But please let us know who have accepted that… Maybe will increase my non watchable apartments


I would respectfully suggest they are not needed here. They were simply the seeds that were sewn so to speak, which ‘grew’ into this topic and its resultant thread.

We have so much to learn. I get your point too, thank you.


Thank YOU also. Particularly if you are able as you suggested, to do anything to assist in this idea becoming reality. :slight_smile:


This idea is beyond stupid. The conclusion can only be that VHTV has no respect for the concept of voyeurism. I’m not saying they aren’t successful, I’m just saying they don’t understand or care about the niche, only money. Their willful negligence to preserve the concept has ruined it for all time. There’s no going back. Enjoy your garbage, contrived voyeur porn and your marionette, human play toys. You fools!

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I agree with @anon11413635 and @Sparkles that this is a stupid idea. It definitely has zero to do with voyeurism.

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Watching naked people has nothing to do with voyeurism??? How on earth do you reach THAT conclusion!!!:confounded:

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