Naked apartments

If we dive into this rabbit hole, better brace yourselves. My idea of voyeurism is watching life, secretly, without even breathing towards it in attempt to be as distant as possible, yet feeling it like you are a part of what is happening there.

The idea of communicating with participants, or forwarding them ideas of lifestyle to try, this all just breaks into this voyeurism of mine, basically ruining it.

That said, my opinion that even discussing the happenings with others is driving everybody away of this voyeurism canon.

Season 5 Idk GIF by Friends

But this isn’t what we were talking about doing. If we don’t suggest things, they won’t happen anyway so this would, surely be the only way to achieve it.

This to me is no better than the bongo cams that was mentioned and the texting of the participants topic. It takes away the whole idea of watching real life and more or less saying listen participants the viewers want to see you naked all the time. I’m not a fan of this whole idea.

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So my idea never was to tell participants to be naked all the time or tip them for it.
My idea was to find participants who have a naked lifestyle regardless if they are on the project or not. So nobody has to tell or tip them for it. Yes I love watching naked girls and I think this would be cool to have some apartments with this particular lifestyle. :wink:

Sorry when I caused any confusion there @VHTV_James

That makes more sense considering all said above

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Yes, I think my topic, based on YOUR idea (the result of a simple conversation we had), has been misinterpreted completely. :frowning:

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Don’t take it all to heart, please :slight_smile: it’s totally okay to discuss things

Of course all is good. I never wanted a function to tell or tip people to be naked. All I said and I think what @David thought too is that you maybe can find some people with naked (nudist) lifestyle :wink::+1:


Yes, that is exactly what I had in mind, thank you for making that known.


Deine Idee ist super so nahe wie möglich am normalen leben gespieltes Sexleben gibt es im Net an jeder ecke Well Done Ok GIF by de chinezen

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