Mira & Henry (Part 1)

as i stated last night i think he is to immature to handle this lifestyle just my opinion

He seems to enjoy being able to fuck shana

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Immature, or a bigger emotional problem. We can only wait and hopefully see how it will develop

Kostja takes too many breaks

I have questioned the veracity of the love story on occasion, Is it real, Drama, Soap opera, To those of us who do not speak the language it will remain a mystery. But we do know that many of them have been reading our posts, so did this give them the idea?

Now we have the popular attractive love birds now living with the two least liked characters. Doesn’t this increase the tension and viewer potential?

think he has started chilling out a bit tonight

It’s easier to be yourself at a friendly get together , compared to a party where you’re expected to fuck someone

nothing to chill out to there is no threat of sex or someone looking at indiria so yeah he is not a basketcase so we will see when there is a real party he was off and on last night happy with shanna a moper wheen guys were talking touching indiria si who knows it almost getting nauseating watching him

She got bored so jirina went home to bed

Jirina came without Tejo

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Now maybe the real games begin?

You have to wonder what Indira is thinking when she is sat next to her boyfriend who is fingering another women! :laughing:


Mira is warming up and Henri smoothing his nails, what’s next?

Getting a kick out of it, they all are

She doesn’t look like someone getting a kick out of it.

I think marica is like ok, enough, you’ve had your fun

lol some of you all be tripping me out with your assumptions

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So what’s your theory then?

Time for Henri to take Indira and go to town… will he do it?

Or time for Mira to take Kostja and get him out of the way…