Mira & Henry (Part 1)

Henry already claiming his lil gift??

Watchimg last nights party!

And K has posted up on the loggia yet again… getting first talk from Mikl… here we go again

Do any of you have an idea if Mira and Henry have divested Savannah and Troy’s Apartment? You’ll never see them again :thinking:

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I’ve been wondering the same…

Are they in the position to do so?

Henry is constantly touching Indira’s thigh.

I know he fucked her before, but he is behaving like the Lord master.

Is he owning VHTV?


Disagree.Have you ever seen Rachels’ She is all woman.

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I always understood that M&H were the managers of their apartment?

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I am kind of rooting for a beautiful orgy between friends with everybody participating.

I didn’t know that.

I also thought that Troy had set up Indira for the project.

Can that be Henry’s contribution to S&T?

The group this time is small enough for that, with the couch pulled out.

Can we say that tonight meeting s a coordination business meeting :innocent:

One does not exclude the other.

I’m under the impression that Henry is getting closer to his goal for tonight, and the more he does,…

the more Kostja is ducking away, like a boy who feels guilty for having stolen cigarettes from daddy.

not, that it’s a new scenario.

Assuming the position.

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Ma and Pa talking to him on the loggia… hopefully it’s “get in or get out” lol

beeing lectured by mom and dad now

wish I had understood what Henry said when he was going through Kostja’ hair, and pointing at Indira.

Was he giving him f____rly advice, or making fun over him?

I think I’ll have to learn russian language.

Have Mikl and Mira ever been together?

We won’t know until it’s over. Considering who is present some physical interaction would be pleasant to watch. (speaking for myself, of cause

As I said, one does not exclude the other.

First time I saw Troy receive a BJ from Indira was in this LR.

In my country people say work first, and have fun after.

As far as fucking goes, that’s hard to divert from each other in this environment. :rofl:

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