Mira & Henry (Part 1)

And yes, sometimes I need to be called out too. One of the wives does that to me at least once a month with a very fast moving object floating through space between her hand and my head. :face_with_head_bandage::boomerang::boxing_glove::8ball:

You should consider buying a helmet :wink::stuck_out_tongue:

Without a doubt, the number one problem is the language barrier in not understanding what is going on and although I can understand a little bit of what is being said, I will not post it as my Russian is not good enough for that and I may have misinterpreted what has been said.

I am no angel and I can be a right little s__t sometimes, but I do believe in self-improvement and I try and control my ‘little s__t’ moments. :slight_smile:

Plural in that sense scares the s__t out of me and you are a braver man than me. :rofl: :rofl:

I don’t want to give them another OBJECT to be used for disciplinary measures against me. :joy::joy::joy:

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To a young man it was once said, ‘you can have more than one wife’ the younger man applauded with great enthusiasm. To an old man ‘you can also have more than one wife’ to which the older man replied “do you want a punch in the mouth”.

Let’s hope the old dog doesn’t have to be put down. :slightly_smiling_face:

@Henry hey, you alive dude?!? Dawn Of The Dead Zombie GIF by Maudit :man_zombie::zombie::woman_zombie::joy::joy::joy:

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Yep. He’s feeling better.

Action tonight! Felicia is in the house!

What action? I doubt there will be action. This is friendly visit.

Mira shows success in dog training.

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Mira, being good to dogs, putting up with Henry and all his quirks, being the beautiful woman that she is, I guess there is not a bad thing that I can say about her. Not a single thing. And yet, there’s not much we know about her. Perhaps it had better stay that way…?

Well they are home and back at it lol

I see Mira has finally got Loki where she wants him. He has managed to evade her until now. Could be his way to snare her. At Tejo’s party.


Here is one of Mira’s big Orgasms at the party at Tejo’s. Fantastic!! Orgasms at 03:56, 03:58 and 04:06:25. Looks like Mira is really into Loki.


Mira pointing out her clit to Loki. And a super fantastic one it is!!! She has the best looking pussy on VH I think.


m&m visit… hope debbie and paul visit…

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I guess just a meeting. Not a party at all.

mira, mikl, marica, and henry, hanging out at H&M, like when they first met

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Na evaluatie van gisterenavond :rofl:

Indira Kostja and Jirina arrived.

Tejo stayed home.

Mikl and Marica already there. Shana stayed home.

Guess Mikl wants his exchange for Shana last night from Kostja.

Indira is going to love it.

Wonder if Henry gets his thank-you for setting up new KostjaIndiraTejoJirina-place.

It’s Indira’s turn to get her share, since she got nothing but dirty looks last night.

After what Kostja was on last night, he should be tied to a chair to watch.