Mira & Henry (Part 1)

…that we’re not mentioning like Lord Voldemort :rofl: :rofl:

This puts a different spin on Mira smacking Kostja’s hand. Purty interesting.


It still seems about the same to me. It looks like Mira is a bit stressed. It looks like Indira and Mira are comforting each other and having a bit of a serious conversation. Then there’s Kostja trying to play w/ Mira’s boobs and pussy like a schoolboy all while this is going one. Mira seems to tolerate it like a mom does with a c___d when they are pulling on her skirt :laughing:

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Well said to you and everybody else that spoke up I totally agree with you guys :clap:

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henry enjoying a little Anal play with Mira help

What I observed what happened was that about 03:59:20 Henri and Indira were sitting on the air couch , talking and laughing. At one point Tejo who was sitting on the yellow couch to the left reaches over Henri and starts rubbing Indira’s leg. She tells him to stop. Tejo (Not Henri) tells her something back and continues rubbing/shaking her leg and he (Tejo) responds to Indira with something (insulting/unpleasant?) which made her jump up and leave the room looking angry and upset.
Perhaps someone could confirm if I understood the event correctly, before it is called out by Tejo lovers as yet another unjustified Tejo bashing by those nasty Tejo haters.

Thanks for your view, she was definitely uncomfortable and had to leave the room,

I heard that Mikl is worried about new apt. They have few apartment candidates. And for best (4 rooms) - there are some questions with payment and docs.

Above, asked about Mira’s bruises - stories in Loggia, they have little crash on scooter and Henry is also injured.


What is interesting is how Jirina goes around prepping Tejo’s targets. Tejo was in the bedroom with Marica (nude) straddling him. Tejo was limp as a dishrag and it wasn’t improving… Jirina comes into the room and moved Marica off him and starts sucking Tejo to get him hard so he can fuck Marica. That’s what it looked like to me.

Damn, did I miss an interesting night lol.

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Herky that was great short catch above. I think it shows what i have always believed about Mira, that she is so confident with her body, with her marriage, with her friends , and loves all forms of sex( particularly oral) that she wil accept just about any of her friends fondling her until they look like they are trying to go further than she wants at that moment. Sometimes this moment stretches right up to sex, sometimes just a little kiss or ‘sticky finger’. She is a dream, so much more than a hot-wife. Really classy.

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You guys have really got to stop the hatred on Tejo and making stuff up to suit your own narrative.

Correct, but it was done in a supportive way, nothing sexual whatsoever.

No, she didn’t and you’re making that up.

Rubbish, as you can clearly see in the video that she listens to both of their comments and walks out, Tajo, hasn’t said a word after his first comment.

This really has to stop as just because he has been singled out by one user with utter lies here to suit their own narrative in disliking him. I am neither support nor dislike him, but I will stand up for someone when they use such blatant lies to discredit him…!!!

I don’t know what was said and maybe @andrey28 could kindly clear that up for us, but you can see in the video that he is supportive of Indira and not creepy like Barcee makes out. If you disagree then watch the video.

@Henry Hi pal, can you shut down these fools please. Cheers.

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I think indira just saw the real tejo tonight, who thinks he can touch anyone at anytime. Hopefully she stays far away from him at any future parties, and even H&M don’t invite him to every party, especially if it makes her uncomfortable

Ryan1877, don’t get suckered in by the lies and watch the video above, you are better than that pal. :slight_smile:

Why let the truth get in the way of a bit of invented drama, gotta keep the rumour mill grinding away :rofl:

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Yeah, I get your point, but this guy has been singled out with some ill-conceived prejudistic hate campaign and it has to stop, and so I have messaged @Henry to put a stop to this and to put the truth out there.

Whatever they were talking about in a very calm way Tejo looked as though he was just trying to reasure her of something, certainly nothing else sinister. So many people see what they want to see and if they don’t just embellish it to suit their argument.

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I tried yesterday and they still won’t stop their ignorant perspective. So good luck for today :joy:

About what? Here she says that she wants to go home, s___p. But Kostya still like to sit at the M&H.

Then Henry and Tejo - offered different variants. For example, Henry offered to give bedroom to Indira, Tejo’s girlfriend (she also tired), and Mira&Henry&Tejo&Kostya did not want s___p and sit for another hour or two. Enough space for everyone, everyone is happy. Tejo generally agree on everything.What they decide is what will happen. Then Henry says - well, if she is tired and wants, then call taxi. Here they are again uncertainty. Henry said everything was ok. We won’t be offended. If you want to go home. If not, you can stay. As a result, Indira decided go to bed for an hour. Well, then Kostya consulted with Mira - and decided to go. That is, there is nothing to talk about at all. The usual moment, of which there are dozens at the party.

By the way, Kostya and Indira will probably live with Tejo and GF in new apt. And yes, they agreed that when Mira and Henry on vacation.


Thank you very much Andrey, much appreciated.

I hope that finally puts an end to these ill-conceived suppositions surrounding Indira and Tejo as they would hardly move in together if they hated each other.