Mira & Henry (Part 1)

Do you really think that it will though :man_facepalming:t4:. Once they start the hate, it’s pretty much permanently programmed in their psych. Because The girls need rescuing from the evil male troll monsters who have a nasty agenda :joy::joy::joy::joy:

I cannot stand lies in trying to reinf___e their warped narrative in picking on one guy and his girlfriend, which are Henry and Mira’s guests so they must know and trust them very well otherwise they wouldn’t have anything to do with them.

So if I see lies then I will call them out for doing so and involve the gratefull help of Andrey and Henry.


Wow, I’m 1100 posts behind. Can somebody on short notice tell me what is going on here?

Aren’t they at least 10 years younger than them. At some point wouldn’t kostja and indira want to hang with a younger crowd

Indira kept saying that she feels s___py. Henry sat down with his arm around her as a friendly gesture. Henry suggested that she could try to s___p in the bedroom. Tejo caressing her leg at some point was also just a friendly gesture. She did not tell him to stop. No one was heading for sex.

These guys only get the free view cams, so can’t see the whole picture, they imagine what is happening rather than see what is happening. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Mira and Henry were gone for some time, and there was plenty of action in their apartment by many participants. When they came back the other day, they of course, had a big party. Troy and Savannah brought along some younger girls, and all had fun. The party was going great, until Mira brought Troy Savannah and Henry into the bedroom. From the look on Savannah face it was pretty serious. I wish I understood Russian to find out what it was all about. When Savannah and Troy rejoined the party, it was not the same. If you saw this, please let me know what it was all about. In fact, Savannah did not come home until much later. Something happened please if you, tell us. All the suspense.

Guess Marica needed more Loki, came home with them.

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Where’s Mira?


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if you have been watching this realm and these parties for any amount of time… you will know Marica and Henry have a very special bond between them. when they are together, its a very passionate and intimate affair they have

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I wonder if the shana thing might be getting to her, even though she likes her, it seems she’s now number 2 to her

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Good question where the hell is mira, did Henry’s behavior push her over the edge

And one more round…

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What what so much more over the edge in Henry’s behavior as compared to Mira’s behavior ?

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Henry makes her scream louder than when with mikl

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