Mira & Henry (Part 1)

I like her spirit and in English, we say I like her spunk (although I hesitate to say that on here as most will not understand what I mean by that); she is, however, totally out of place at Mira & Henry’s parties where is an older base of people. She’s a little rocket and I love her energy. :slight_smile:

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I am frightened of nobody here. I just agreed because I liked her characterization of the girls :wink: :+1:

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You’re right, but there is a tendency to try to understand, and find an explanation for myself. Sorry if I talk too much.

I know, I’m just pulling your leg! :laughing:

no one want in nor out. They looking at how they can stay together

To those of you who post on here but did not have the decency of @anon31605929, @NotSeth, and @jabbath1987 to stand up to the homophobic comments, I have one question for you…

Why didn’t you?

I’m not interested in replies. Your answer is between you and your conscience.

Thanks to all of you who took a stand and I apologize if I left anyone out. Your efforts are appreciated. :hugs:

Jabbs is hardly frightened of me.

I have called him out before and he has opposed me. At the end of the day there is mutual respect even if we may disagree.

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In that case this conversation should have happened weeks ago. But they have had no privacy or time to discuss it.

Too many parties

I was kidding in case you didn’t notice, but good to see that mutual respect still exists!

Just for my understanding:

To call a lesbian a lesbian or lesbo wich I consider common language must be allowed, because it doesn’t judge or quote,

meanwhile calling someone one of these fucking lesbos I would take as an insult. Am I right?

This is not meant as crtizism, this is to be better in the future.

Again, I thank you for your insight but, do they both want in just with different expectations?

They need to be crysyal clear, with what the rules are, what they want and how to attain it

It’s rather the offensive use of the word ‘dyke’.

My best friend was a lesbian, she liked the word, even found it sexy

Oh Lordy… :roll_eyes: :woman_facepalming:

Bless your heart.

Why is the default when you agree with a strong woman that speaks her mind always the only reason you are doing so is because you are frightened of her?? It sounds like you are projecting a bit tbh.

I’m sure there are plenty of people on here that will vouch for me that I disagree w/ a lot of people and things. Like the name Gurtrude for example, right @jabbath1987 ?? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Horses for courses, but just because your friend liked it then you are sensible enough not to classify all lesbians as ‘dykes’ aren’t you. :slight_smile:

One of my partners wanted me to trash talk to her and insult her and I just laughed as I am a crap actor. :laughing: :laughing:

I use the term lesbian or lez, because it’s most appropriate

Loool do not get me started again :rofl: :rofl: :wink: