Mira & Henry (Part 1)

you can tell this is not she wants tonight

Well have had a lot of lesbien friends in my life.They liked to be called family also.

Hayley sucking Troy now :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve been to a few Rainbow parades to support my nephew who is gay, and I can tell you the words “Dyke or Dykes” were on flags and banners everywhere, so I’m confused as to whether it is offensive or not.

Yeah, but isn’t that like a black person calling another black person with the ‘N’ word?

If an opposing person uses it then it can be seen as offensive and because of that very reason they wear it like a badge of pride.

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And it’s no wonder people get confused, but I see your point.

ok… where did Mikl and Marica go???

they should just go home now and work things out

Sfyer checking up on the kids, marica and mikl went home i believe

It looks like they did, but i get your point

So Shana is staying… where?

With elisha maybe

Mikl & Marica are home! I’m surprised they left the party.

Whats this world coming to, marica gets laid twice at the party and mikl didn’t

well, he came late :rofl: :rofl:

That’s what she said lol

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Maybe he’s expressing to her his disappointment! :laughing:

Now, is this the beginning of something, or the replacement instead of something

We’ll find out if everyone’s right about their reasons for no sex