Mira & Henry (Part 1)

does anyone know what the discussion is about?

You would think who can fuck who and where

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Certainly wish Mira would pick up the conversation where she left off when the rude kiddos interruptedā€¦

Sheā€™s crying now, was between smiling and crying the whole time.

For the moment it looks like the end, if they donā€™t get it sorted out.

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Heā€™s been acting more like a swinger this week than she has

Nah, just the weekly drama between these two, they have been through worse.

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is Shana wanting some of Henri Now?? her hands are starting to wander

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Thatā€™s shana, savannah left

They fucked earlier when he fucked both her and marica

About their relationship. She makes demands on him and he makes equivalent demands. They are trapped in a human drama. Lesson: do not fall in love with anyone in the middle of a sex orgy

well lately things have piled up.

Kostja got more selfesteem, and I think Indira canā€™t handle that very good.

The slave is becoming the master.

Could also be that he is telling her he tried, but heā€™d rather have her for himself and forget the others.

Then for VH they could only become a Paul/Debbie couple

Thanks for the info, itā€™s difficult if you can only understand bodylanguage

Were you able to hear the demandsā€¦ are they realistic?

The rules need to be equal

Thanks to @NotSeth, @anon31605929, and others for taking a stand when there are ignorant homophobic posts on here. There should be no place for homophobia on the forums.

Now itā€™s my turn to take a stand. :angry:

Say what you want about the girlsā€™ ages and how they have handled a_____l. Iā€™m pretty sure you were their ages once (some of you may not be able to remember back that far). You may have even had occasion to _____ too much once or twice. Enjoy your glass houses.

Hayley is confident, assertive, and clearly enjoys being herself. I donā€™t think she cares a lick what any of you think of her. She is probably used to ignorance like yours judging her. It is safe to say those of you displaying your cluelessness about her are exactly the type of guys she has laughed at and ignored throughout her life (speaking from experience). That is your loss, not hers.

I would notice Hayley in a crowded room. I would admire her for being true to herself. She has already shown that she will be there when someone needs her (as she did with Zarah in the kitchen). She pursues whomever she wants. If I was in a room with her I would hope she might pursue me. I only wish I was so lucky. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Wendy is still the life of the party. Just days ago the STIK forum was drooling over her. She is still that person.

Wendy gets people to open up. She doesnā€™t mind initiating when others are reluctant. She is confident and motivates people to be the same way. We should all have someone like her in our lives. :heart_eyes:

Zarah showed yesterday that she would pursue Wendy, whom she had been eyeing. Unlike some participants, Zarah was not prowling. She made her intentions known. And her pursuit of Wendy was part of the fun. :heart:

Iā€™ll keep defending everyone on here for their lifestyle of choice. And Iā€™ll keep giving out awards to the biggest homophobes. I may even call out those who narrowly missed the award but deserve recognition for their ignorance. Iā€™m happy to give you the attention you deserve.


Itā€™s all supposition and learnt my lesson on this site and try not to do it now.

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Nothing more to add here :+1: :wink:

Simple question. Who wants in and who wants out?

That for sure,

but if you accept that your partner fucks a bundle of other guys each (party-)night, you have to stand for that style of living.

Most people, who are not swingers have this posession in mind thing, the one-and-only-love, where sometimes an intense look to someone else is taken as a betrayel, and to shake that off, and consider the sex with other people is just sports, and the love-sex happens at home between the two of us, can push someone who is trying to adapt to not loose it all in big mental pressure.

What a greaser! Youā€™re just frightened of Lyric! :laughing: I wonder if i mis-spoke? :dizzy_face: