Mira & Henry (Part 1)

They fucked 3 weeks ago during that huge group, where Kostja fucked jirina with mikl and fucked mira next to henry fucking marica

Party over before it could even start…

you have any idea what kind of conversation they are having now

They are planning on changing the locks so that Henry cannot come back. Others say yes but then we would also lose Mira. Huge discussion.

Fire department arrive to help us through loggia

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Mikl sending Marcia home alone show how sorry a person he is

I’m curious, do you ever tell the participants the crazy things the viewers make up about them? :joy:

I think most of them will have a good laugh about it. :joy:

I still say Misty.

Definitely Misty. She is the closest to Misty of all girls so far

Wow, that is cold, nothing is happening at this party that needs him to stay

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just goes to show you how much he thinks of her he stays hoping to hook up with someone

Who will get Elisha tonight? :stuck_out_tongue:

He’s so thoughtful, Kostja is staying at H&M so he can be alone with indira, because Elisha and Shana have taken his couch so he can fuck them while she’s as___p

Miki he ain’t s__t, his wife at home sick as hell and he’s hoping for some type of action with Indira more likely or some type of group sex. Sorry ass.

if Kostja keeps on like that with Indira he will have a time keep them away

Insulting people you do not even know is quite easy and totally cowardly… :man_facepalming:

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Very mature answer… :roll_eyes:

Palmer wants some Jirina again I guess…

similar sexual needs as well.