Mira & Henry (Part 1)

Even similiar outfits they wear. :+1:

They are playing Durak now

Anybody know who this is?

One hour left to horny girls explosion!

This is Karel…

K&I are the total party poopers lately. Why even invite them anymore when they do not want to have fun?

They want to be together, but the Henry clones will not give up the chase!

In that case they should stay together at home :joy:

clones won’t give them peace there either! Last night Jirini kept guys busy in the LR.

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Nope as they would go to the party to have fun. :stuck_out_tongue:

At night when they want to really be alone Elisha and Shana are there

Or they have to care for Marica.

Nobody f___es them to live there. They can move to an own apartment off cam, marry, have c___dren and live happy ever after. Good we do not have to see that boring s__t then :joy:

they were more concerned for her than he was, he went i to the bedroom, never came out to check on her

they could even have a frog…or a dog :innocent:

But she is still under contract!

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Well they won’t chase her when she moves out :rofl: :rofl:

I’m convinced T&S are hosting guests almost dailey as possible replacements for Indira

When they find somebody more interesting I can’t blame them. Right now Indira is doing absolutely nothing to contribute to the place. So why keep her?

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I don’t know about Russian law, but VHTV might sue her for breach.

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Maybe her contract can be transfered to another apartment