Mira & Henry (Part 1)

D’accord avec vous ! comme on dit en français : ils ont fait l’amour, ils ont pas baisé ! Je ne sais pas si les traducteurs automatiques sauront être fidèle à l’idée !

You got the making love right my friend

Do the guys that start stripping at these parties over compensating for something

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Wow Marica can sing :heart_eyes:

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She sings alot at home, and dances

Fire department under loggia.

Where is marica

Out of bathroom.

Why doesn’t Marica undress?

I think she’s been sick for the last three days, has kept her clothes on those times as well


She reminds me of Belle. Like them both.

mikl needs to take marica home or to the doctor you can tell see not feel well

Rather like Elisha always seems to be happy and full of fun apart from having great tits :rofl:

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I feel he f___es her to accompany them

Bulls__t Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

Incredible how people assume the wildest things. Maybe she is just not feeling to well. Can be a simple infection which is over after some days. Guys put her to bed to rest. Where is the problem? She did not look unhappy at all. Leaving her alone at home where she would be in bed too would be the better solution? For sure not… :man_facepalming:

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Even the Henry attraction seems to have died out now.

I was hoping for your reaction to this:

Need more time? Don’t care? Don’t know?

Sorry that whole talk about the “relationship” between K&I is tiring and boring and I won’t participate in it :wink: