Mira & Henry (Part 1)

with the new arrivals and those who are still on the way, the apartment is really going to be too small :rofl: :joy:

That is the new couple who visited J&T recently when M&H were at a party…

Palmer is already talking and talking and talking :rofl:

I guess everyone has a twin out there

Ahahaha you mean me?

Too much plad in one room lol

Full bucket now, no one can reach it anymore

Standing room tickets available

don’t know what tejo in peto has for tonight but little room for challenge

I think it’s time for Mira and Henry to look for a new apartment! :grinning: they have catastrophically little space

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getting crowed now

I have waited for someone to say something about what happened between Kostja and Indira last night. I’m not sure if everyone missed it but the silence is deafening.

I’m sure a fair number of those on Team Testosterone were thrilled to see their fairytale couple have sex last night. After all, it had been days that they had not done it while she had her period. Some posts have noted how they would like to see Indira gangbanged, a few of them going as far as naming the participants they would like to see doing that to her. :woman_facepalming:

I’m going out on a limb here and will guess that I am alone with more X chromosomes. Similarly, my estrogen superiority means I am the only one who knows how miserable it can be to have your period. This is where you guys need to sit silently with a dumb look on your face because you have never experienced it and therefore have no idea. Your heartfelt sympathy and compassion are not the same. :shushing_face:

As was accurately sleuthed yesterday afternoon, Indira still had her period. See

Prince Kostja :prince:and his fairytale desire, Indira, consensually made out in bed last night :couplekiss_man_woman:. As is his modus operandi, the beloved prince was handsy, grabbing her ass, boobs, and fingering her. Indira was still wearing her underwear at this point, a telltale sign when we have our period.

It was after the hero prince fingered Indira that she said something and he clearly examined his fingers closely. My guess is he was looking for b___d (been there, done that). Since we had the night lighting, it is unclear what he found on his fingers, if anything.

What is clear is the dear prince then had sex with Indira (while she was still wearing her panties).

Before your heads explode, I am not claiming that Prince Kostja did anything illegal. Indira was kissing him when he penetrated her and she did not appear to resist in any way. She also gave him a blowjob after he had sex with her while she still had her period (which is 50 shades of ewwww).

Having been in this situation before I can say that a guy can be…persuasive.

Though Indira did ride Prince Kostja briefly, she was not especially engaged. Those on Team Testosterone have described others who have done the same as being a “dead fish at sex.” In fairness, Indira did eventually take off her panties for round 2 (or was it round 3?).

Meanwhile, the dear prince had his hand over Indira’s mouth and on her neck and had his arm around her neck at one point.

Again, I am not accusing him of doing anything rough or illegal. Just pointing out his involvement and persuasiveness compared to hers.

Team Testosterone clearly expressed their approval, with four hearts, two heart eyes, and the comment “our boy is doing good.”

Misogyny is alive and well. It is a big fan of Prince Kostja.

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Lyric173370 She is clearly on her period as long as there are guests on the floor, then no more

Of cause that’s the other bottom line. More activity would be better. It just didn’t turn out that way. Maybe next time.

Wow. We are very lucky to have you here and give us, #teamTestosteron, a view from a different angle. There are lots of things we do not know about women and therefore it is so very good that you are willing to spend some time and effort to teach us.

But. (there’s always a but)

But in this case I do think you are wrong. I didn’t watch the whole thing I must admit, but what I did notice was the complete adoration Indira has for Kostja. Complete. No matter what he does, he does many many things wrong, but she keeps staring at him completely in love. I really believe this. In this thread somewhere I posted a picture where you can see this. Now maybe it is wishful thinking from my side, and many others, but I don’t think so. I do hope you are wrong in this case. :heart:

She no longer wears panties

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Based on all the video stills I’ve seen, I’d say we saw hot sex with a loving couple, that couldn’t hold on to their urges anymore and they both enjoyed it after patiently waiting. Both kostja and indira enjoyed the moment by the look in their eyes afterwards towards eachother lovingly