Mira & Henry (Part 1)

Exactly, you don’t have to watch places that have things that you don’t agree. Makes sense :sunglasses: I do the same

No ones ran out of rattles yet to throw out the pram i see :rofl:

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If I see something going on in any of the Apt’s. I don’t like I simply don’t watch, I don’t announce it to the whole forum.My point is why share that with the forum as it is a personal, unique choice made by you which isn’t going to change by sharing.I couldn’t be arsed posting about everything I don’t like, after all my name isn’t Jabs😂

she is one of those people that always has diarrhea but what makes you say that?

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M&H are at M&M’s.

Woot, just found to new cam… nice! :+1:

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Where have you been? :roll_eyes:

Maybe in the basement? :innocent:

didnt had much time last week to be online watching vhtv… still trying to catch up

4 posts were split to a new topic: VHTV news feed

Not much happened at M&M’s.

Henri, what’s the point of adding a cam if it’s to install a new mess that will be used for what? :angry:

I asked @Henry why they objected to moving cam 5 to the left, still awaiting on why they do not want to do that.

Yes I asked him to move it also

How do you like the new swing? It looks goodimage

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I will like it better with a naked body in it. By the way, how did you get that shot. There is no camera that points like that.

New camera number 5.

So, I guess you cropped the view?

Mira, tu as des très beaux seins

It wasn;t I, Morris is the guilty party.