Mira & Henry (Part 1)

and also amazing eyes :heart_eyes:

Maybe they think itā€™s none of your business or anyone elseā€™s come to that :rofl:

Well I have no problem with that but hey when my subs come due I donā€™t renew.

Thats entirely up to you

Correct, but it would be great to know why he objects to it, not an unreasonable question.

Obvious really, they donā€™t want anyone seeing who goes in and out of the hidden room. :grin:

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its entirely up to them if they donā€™t want to then they donā€™t have to despite what you think you are not judge jury and executioner.If you dont like it leave and give everyone a rest

thatā€™s what we call, a two-pence reasoning! :-1:

Tenants do not have the right to hidden spots unless it is the s__tter. This topic has been discussed at length so I will not carry on here.

Itā€™s not the tenants that hide itā€™s the guests, and they have every right to as i understand?

That also has been discussed. You obviously are going to fail your first test.

Donā€™t think so,guests arenā€™t tied by any contract unless they have changed the rules. Anyway the first test ainā€™t till Monday :rofl:

Last comment. OK let me help you out. The guest are made aware and sign a consent. Now why would the guests need hidden spaces? These people are here to share their lives with us, they get paid to do so. If people get tired of it they simply donā€™t click on that place. The tenants do not have the right as the other guy who knows Jack S__t said, the toilet yes.

Think you will find the guests may sign a consent to the fact they they are aware they are being filmed but donā€™t think they are obliged to show you/us anything if they donā€™t want to. Also guests arenā€™t neccessarily paid i donā€™t think, thats down to the tenants unless they hire in these so called porn stars who i assume would demand a fee. The guests perk generally i would assume is being fed and watered free, maybe the odd fuck if they want to. Having said all that itā€™s up to you if you watch or not as you have that perogative.

WTF said they were obliged to show anything or fuck. Why would a guest need a hidden spot? Your logic is bizarre.

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You are right, they just have to stay dressed, right?

Now donā€™t go off on a tangent young man :rofl: it was you who brought up the consent form thing thus inferring they may have been obliged not to hide. Donā€™t fucking confuse me at this later part of the evening itā€™s been a fucking long day, thankfully not on here :rofl:

Marcie, take it that way, it wonā€™t be everyday that you get called ā€˜ā€˜Young manā€™ā€™! :laughing:

You sign a consent to say you know you are on cam. The consent does not say you have to fuck or get naked. The consent is merely to cover VHTV. Donā€™t infer or assume. Fuck me best you study a lot harder for your test. Your performance so far is dismal. :joy:

Robin was born before the dinosaurs so of course everyone is a young man :rofl: