Mira & Henry (Part 1)

think it needs flash player to play .most browsers dont support flash player anymore . im pretty sure that vid format is divx

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I always use for video the H264 intel codec as that plays on anything and is the most common.
For images just the standard .jpg

It is just the forums seem not to support the H265 codec. That is why videos won’t play.

better becareful what else we say , jabba the hutt ,will boot us into the s__thole or purgatory for sure ,for going off topic

maybe not as he as involved himself into this off topic subject lol

I said the H264 not 5, works ok for the videos i put up.

That’s why some videos I can’t see…

Actually the H265 codec is technically better and more suited for 4k etc resolution and does give smaller files but it seems the forum does not support the H265.
The H264 codec is an older version but is more widely supported and works well for me. The files seem to load quicker on the forum as well whereas many video files take forever to load so what they are using god knows.
If you use Bandicam it only uses H264 anyway so is best suited for videos on VH.

Don’t think anyone uses Flash Player now, went out of fashion and use years ago.

I have taken to simply right click and save them to my laptop. Then watch

Many vids do not play very well as are continually buffering quite often.
Best thing to do is start playing them and then pause them and leave them for a few minutes to load up. You can see them loading up on the play bar. Let them load up to just over half way and then start the play then it should reach the end without any buffering.

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Love them



Does not pidgeon toed blondie in the black dress have no other b___dy clothes, seems as though that’s all she ever wears.
They have been there all night now nearly all day, haven’t they heard of s___ping :laughing:
Earlier the guy in the pale blue jumper and blondie had about 7mins in the hidden room.
So exciting eh :laughing:

Last week she wore green !!

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Getting a bit boring seeing her dressed all the time whatever b___dy colour it is :laughing: