Mira & Henry (Part 1)

Pretty maybe but seems to be a bit of a diva so far, certainly loves herself.

She certainly likes being waited on :laughing: Look at me i’m so beautiful :laughing:
Got those b___dy awful opaque panty hose on as well :laughing:

from yesterday’s party at Wendy’s Realm :revolving_hearts:What a Woman !!!

Yeah looks good and she knows it to, yet no substance so far.

That hidden room seems to be very popular :laughing:

I think Alida will invite her to her Realm to teach the A B C… :couplekiss_woman_woman:

Dunno about that she would probably s__t herself at the thought :laughing:

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To be honest i dont know why she keeps appearing apart from preening herself in front the cams.

She is waiting for the knight with a carriage to take her to a French Riviera

Well our resident love god was unable to make any headway with her :laughing:

Definately need those panty hose off, Alida is doing all she can so far

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We in the UK call panty hose, tights, well hers are sure on b___dy tight :laughing:
Makes me laugh how she keeps pulling her skirt back over her legs lol

Doesn’t seem to mind her tits being fondled though

Admire Alida’s persistance but think she may give up soon as blondie ain’t gonna allow anybody in yet i don’t think. :roll_eyes:

That women is tighter than a ducks ass :laughing:

Heeft alles goed onder controle , zodat er niets te zien zal zijn op cams

Unfortunately i think you may well be right.

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She does her part brilliantly as she keeps a lot of people glued to the screens hopping :laughing:

Haven’t had one screen on for so long in a long time but all a wasted effort. fuck fuck fuck.!!! :laughing:
Lucky i am watching snooker at the same time :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: