Mira & Henry (Part 1)

We used to call that sort of thing “Fur coat and no knickers” :rofl:

no mate probably creaming herself at the thought of all the guys wanting to see her get fuked , in my eyes she will be rememberd as ole miss crusty pants

She’s probably just hoping to pick up an endorsement or position elsewhere without having to SHOW any talents… Lot of “social influencers” trying that tactic. Worked for Brooke Burke, Cindy Margolis, Paige Spiranac…

Have a look on the position of the glass with orange juice.
The position is not the same on the kitchen camera and on the living room camera
Kitchen : the glass is near the sink
Living : the glass is near the coffee machine

Yes very strange, does make you wonder eh?

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I see it on same position on all cams…

No, i disagree
On kitchen cam the glass is at about 5 cm from the sink and before the coffee machine
On living room cam it is far from the coffee machinz

Well you would :laughing:
Its by the sink on cam 1 & 2
Cam 4 & 6 &7 the orange colour ain’t showing up

funny topic you have here :wink:
wherever you look from, the glass is in the middle in front of the kettle, and between the coffee maker and the sink. only the kettle seems to disappear at a distance because of the same color as the wall, and the rest of the orange disappears into the bottom of the kettle
everything else is a matter of perspective

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That’s what i said without bothering with fancy graphics :laughing:
Is that magic disappearing into the kettle :laughing:

L’énigme du verre secret !

Makes a change from dicks and fanny’s :laughing:

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Does anyone know why this comes up?

I have never had an issue before with videos

I sometimes get that but a quick refresh of the page normally solves it.

and also happened but with firefox browser …

With firefox certain videos I can’t see them…

i seriously wouldnt panic about not seeing that vid toreyk uploaded ,fuk all happened , absolutly bugger all to see

I get the same error. It’s not the browser since I tested it with two other browsers.
I think he may be using a different format

i have similar problems with images, some will open up straight away,some will take time to open and some won’t open at all.
Always used to be no problems but whenever VH do a b___dy update it always fucks up something.
Progress eh grrrrrrr.