Mikl & Shana

marica is distracting herself

Shana is on fire. You need a lot of training to keep up with her :joy: :joy:

Thanks @MiklandMarica for another very clear message. Iā€™m sure people here donā€™t want to understand and will continue to make stupid remarks and wrong assumptions. Please donā€™t let them bother you.

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The majority of viewers donā€™t deliberately make incorrect assumptions. Because of the language barrier, assumptions and speculation is made on what people can see, and yes some people may miss the mark, but they donā€™t do it intentionally IMO.

I would s___p next to Shana and Marica anytime :innocent: :heart_eyes:

Oki you got a point. Some of them are plain stupid, and the rest of them are trolls.

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You get the odd one or two for sure.

But would they s___p next to you? :laughing:

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Why not? I am not ugly :wink:

Russians and Germans donā€™t mix.

(edit: picture of Stalingrad. Bad taste from my side I admit. Should I delete it? I will if you want. No problem.)

(edit2: A different picture upon request. All is good)

Sorry that is inappropriateā€¦ :man_facepalming:

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Then you would like to see them all dead??

Nope. Not all of them.

You people got me in a bad mood today. Dunno why. Perhaps I should eat something.

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It would be if you could fucking spell :rofl:ā€¦inappropriate :rofl:

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Well at least he got what I meant. But thanks for the correction :blush:

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Yeah be careful pal we donā€™t want to lose you again :rofl:

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All good. I didnā€™t report it. Just be a bit more sensitive with the things you post.

You should delete that photo @Stinky240

Done. Sorry.

I actually said this a few weeks ago. @MiklandMarica i knew she could only handle so much. Thanks for proving me right. We had a playmate who was very similar and I recognised her reaction as the same. Itā€™s a little more common in very petite women.