Mikl & Shana

i hope the apartment works out but my thoughts are it will last but with Kosgta will leave and move on. its ok to say you have an agreement but its another thing to put it into practice.

as if Shana is expecting the only one that can answer that is herself

Is this Shana with Tejo?


Yeah, Too bad they don’t use these pics for the Archive video previews!

Well, without I&K to keep an eye on, I have other things to take care of!

See ya-all later!

Shana looks so beautiful lying naked on the couch


I doubt shana wouldn’t be using birth control with all sex she has with condom less guys. My guess, marica had a little fun with shana, and us the viewers, knowing where the cameras were

that was my thinking a swinger or a girl like shanna that loves sex would almost undoubtly be on birth control has anyone seen elisha since she left pissed early the other night ?

She hasn’t been seen on camera since. Someone said she wanted to fuck kostja and was.rejected, I doubt she would have not spoken to Indira first

to many i&k theories and bulls__t there is and was enough swinging Dicks around she could have fucked but again with karel around and ignoring her she was mad and uncomfortable so she wouldn’t piss him off

She left before the orgy started. I think she needs to remember who she is, and what she’s about. Being an uninterested women not wanting sex with anyone, isn’t the real her

every time she is with him its quickies in the bathroom or kitchen while everyone is fucking everyone and she is so reserved she is happier at m&m&s mikl needs to add her permanently and maybe she will quit roaming or going back to a bad place

She met mikl to be a swinger, not be a bored housewife, who is left sexually unsatisfied. That day at T&S, she was really enjoying fucking felix and mikl, she was laughing and jumping around, when she was done

Hey, mikl is back in his bed, punishment over lol

that’s my thoughts but somehow, she is missing that and i guess thinks karel will change and let her be her wild self but i think it’s a waste he will never let her

Maybe shana, next time she sees our comments, will talk to elisha about things

only time will tell but her and shanna together they are a great team

There was no escape for mikl, they took his underwear off, and took turns

its always a fun time when elisha and shanna are together noone is safe lol

No one’s cocks are safe, they’re wild ones, just look up the January 10 orgy at M&M

i been trying to watch it that was before i found this site and I’m not premium so until it’s not locked or i can afford membership can’t watch it (the loud fivesome ?) right