Mikl & Shana

Let’s do a contenders list for the last 5 weeks. Karel? Kostya, Henry, Mikl, Troy, Tejo, Random guys?!?

Are you implying that Shana fucks any thing that moves ?

I don’t remember her fucking troy or tejo

Ever notice between 4 - 5am Marica seems to always cook bacon

when she fuck karel ? was elisha pissed cause he waont share her lol

I don’t remember her fucking karel either

She could fuck me if she wanted to… :grinning:

I’d have to bet

99.99%- Mikl, He fucked her almost daily.

.01% = Kostja, He fucked her once that I can find but only came in her mouth, she spits it in the sink afterwards.

The big orgy hours before in that room was epic

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Think you might have your sums wrong! :laughing: Even if Mikl had fucked Shana 50 times (which he probably hasn’t) and Kostja fucked her just once, that would be 2%!

Twice if you count last week, in between marica sucking his cock

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Even better for Kostja then!

But consider the quantity of living semen deposited by Mikl into Shana compared to the limited amount that Kostja may have given her in his precum the one time he pulled out.

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that was when it looked like he sneaked in on her

When kostja and indira joined the orgy

that’s right

I hope they know what they’re doing, moving in with tejo and jirina. My guess, they agreed that kostja and indira have the final say on sex partners

That was Shana that seemed not to look too happy. K&I may like it that way.

We are discussing Shana’s possible pregnancy, the incident you are thinking of occured 2 weeks after Kostja and Shana had their time. I have not seen any evidence of Tejo and Shana together in the Archives. And the closest I can find Karel, is Shana watching him with Elisha.

I think co-habiting is a different situation, and unless their is mutual respect between all four of them, the apartment will be shortlived. Any sex outside of the parties will only happen with the agreement of the couples.