Mikl & Shana

It seems most parties the men dress in canadian tuxedo’s, while the women all look hot

Then we have Henry who forgets to wear underwear :joy:

Maybe he is trying to be Scottish! :laughing:

It’s like he knew marica would be sucking his cock at the party, he must be physic

I think Mikl shows more love and affection towards Shana then does against Marica. Not that i find it strange, Shana is far more attractive than Marica. But Marica is supposed to be his girlfriend and Shana just afuckbuddy.

I don’t know, but marica used to show more love and affection towards Henry than mikl when they lived together in September

Mikl and Marica hardly look and behave as a couple. If you need to know how a couple behaves, take a look at I&K or even at M&H. T&S definitely look like a couple well together.

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I see more affection between those other couples, you’re not wrong. I see more times of sitting on the couch, just playing with phones,

Shana and Elisha is my absolute favourites. Have never seen such happy fuckers. All smile and joy in their faces when they gets cock deep inside their pussies.

Every video of her with mikl, she is very happy and seeing her take her pajama bottoms so quickly after shana finished was gold

Tough crowd tonight, a thumbs down to talking about how much fun elisha and shana have with mikl

Shana doing what she does best while Ma & Pa prepare the food! :laughing: Sorry, second best, we know what she’s best at! :laughing:

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lol marica kissing shanas belly and talking to it :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

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Probably pregnant :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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alvast even wat opwarmen, je weet maar nooit :joy:


Kostja or Mikl’s :thinking:

The other girl looks pregnant,

she was watching her own tummy the other day.

If it had a strong black beard, I knew. :rofl: :rofl:

You beat Jabbs to it, that’s normally his line! :rofl: :rofl:

She fucked him too lol