Mikl & Shana

He could have fucked Marica.

Hold the phone now, r__e is not a word i use lightly, my best friend was r__ed twice by a boyfriend when she was 19. Mikl and shana have a adult consensual relationship, and she loves fucking him, so you donā€™t bring up that word, when you have no clue what it really is

I never said he would

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She and her boyfriend donā€™t know what they want

What gave you the right to comment like that?

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That post pissed me off, i had to get stuff off my chest Iā€™ve spoken to a real r__e victim, who was close to me

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I know my friend, some people are just born ignorantā€¦!!!

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Yeah, we can tell by some of the crazy completely off target things you post .:man_facepalming: :rofl:

I must say this marica, mikl, and shana trio has been doing an amazing job of making everyone happy. Iā€™ve never been in a swinging relationship, so Iā€™m very intrigued by it all

Yes, everything is going perfectly and that is why Mikl has recently found a perfect spot to s___p on the floor at night. :joy: @MiklandMarica Itā€™s all jokes. I couldnā€™t help myself please forgive me! :see_no_evil:

It always amazes me, these girls can go out and buy groceries or regular food at 4am, although McDonaldā€™s is always 24/7

Maybe he has shaggers back lol.

I think the only person missing from the couch, is elisha now

miss her maybe she will be back can only take being ignored so long after night before last when ignored whole party i might no be to much longer till she back on couch and mikl should add her she will make money and maybe stop hopping back and forth getting hurt

Her personality is loud, sexy and fun, and mikl never ignores her, she and shana must be best friends, the way they always had fun together and waited for the other to be done with mikl, and always enjoyed making videos of him fucking the other on their phones

shanna was on here earlier and said elisha introduced her to m&m and they seem like best friends she needs to be back where she is wanted and is not ignored and can have and be herself

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24-hour grocery stores are very common in most cities.

Not here in Montreal, all ours close at 10pm

Thatā€™s all you had to say lmao. The French part of Canada is like living in a whole different world :earth_americas: :laughing:

Speaking of Canada @Ryan1977 do you approve of @MiklandMarica ā€˜s Canadian tuxedo ??:person_in_tuxedo::canada::maple_leaf: