Mikl & Shana

It’s obvious from the last 2 days, shana loves having fun and touching marica

Too bad it appears only mikl reads the forum, because if she did, she should follow our advice and enter the room and make her move

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agreed i almost half assed expected elisha back when shanna came to living room and was watching tv but maybe marica will eventually try with shanna

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True, isn’t that Karel’s sweatshirt on top of the couch

have no idea he had a coat on last night so did she so not sure

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I saw karel take off his red sweatshirt during the night

guess so then i know elisha looked miserable last night same as before

The only time she had fun with Karel was the mikl threesome

i heard but also heard it was more of a competition for karel than actually caring about her

Anything mikl does i can do better, including those dp sessions lol

yeah cause before that at m&h it was quickie’s just like before

Her real self is at M&M&S, where she can laugh, fuck and dance all she wants

agreed still dont know what the attraction or whatever you want to call it is with him before they got together she ate out indiria and fucked felix at stik’s then all ofa sudden boom back with him and miserable i just don’t get it

She fucked mikl, and gave felix a massage, imdira fucked kostja in that room as well. Elisha didn’t fuck him i believe

yes she did it was mikl and i and her and felix i seen a clip on stik forum

The floors in Russia are also often heated

Are you talking 3 weeks ago at stik

i believe so have to back and check

I’m not a subscriber so i only see frames unless clips are uploaded, i never saw him get naked like in early january

they posted a clip in forum is where i saw it hang o lemme see if i can find date