Medea (Part 1)

I love it when participants look directly into the cameras to let us know they know we’re watching - but this is a bit uncanny

We, always have hottie Goldie for that :heart_eyes: She’s bringing in the bacon for Medea :stuck_out_tongue:

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Goldie seems to be catching up on all the time she lost while pregnant :heart_eyes:

Well, she was with Stif then.and still had quiet a bit sex

But that was with him - or at least I don’t remember her being with anyone but him at the time - she’s not tied down with one guy now, is what I meant. I’ll probably get face-palmed by a troll whom I won’t name for saying this, but my reaction is Goldie has become a true MILF- the kind of M____r I’d Like to Fuck :heart_eyes:

Yes,she was with very few guys at the Kaz house .then she met him At his own place.but she’s definitely making up for it now.I love her .she’s a doll But it’s a shame not the greatest m____r :cry:

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I don’t think about that, because she has made her choice about what is most important to her, and it’s none of my business to criticize. And I would venture from what little I know about Russian culture, the baby is being cared for by other family members or extended relatives, and that was probably the plan all along. I really don’t know, of course, but it’s not my problem. :thinking:

image die twee hebben ook elkaar gevonden


image Verhuis op til of gewoon opruimen

Het ziet er naar uit dat Goldie vertrekt

It looks like she listened to you :stuck_out_tongue:

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Does anyone knows who is she ?

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So - now that Teresa and Goldie as a separate realm have left the project, does that mean they will take up permanent residence with Medea? Or at least that Goldie will stay there? I mean, if it weren’t for Goldie and the cats, nobody would be watching this place right now. :thinking:

When you have a huge erection but your friend is as___p next to you. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I don’t think the word “huge” can be used for Junior LOL

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You do know people watch this place for other things besides watching Goldie get railed out by a bunch of randos right?? :thinking:

Some people watch this realm for the 42 showers Medea’s takes every day. :wink: :shower: :soap: However you are correct Medea’s cat sanctuary is what most people come here for. :grin:

Sure it can, if you are referring to the size of his waste or his appetite.


Goldie has gone, so Medea is trying to get the viewing figures up… :heart_eyes: :thinking:

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Keep it up Medea, you’re getting the views… :heart_eyes:

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