Medea (Part 1)

Well in that case easy to figure out where he is… :stuck_out_tongue:

im stupid where? (10 characters)

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Considering his age and everything I would bet some money he went to the army…

you might be right i saw a pic of him with a shaved head but why him :grimacing:

Because you can’t always escape mandatory service…

if true the timing couldn’t be worse not that theres any good time anyway :cry:

Jesus, I could clean it better than that!

I’m one of them that said that, and I mean it - I want to see them get it on!!! Come on, Gojo/Wayne and Medea - your fans are rooting for you!!!

I hope that cat doesn’t have a taste for dick! :rofl:

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A disappointing evening.

Да, ты угадал. Я просто не знал можно ли здесь об этом говорить. Так что Сойер теперь служит

extremely sad :cry:

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I hope he is not send to war :cry:
He knows he can get political asylum anywhere anytime in EU when he gets problems with the system? I would even let him live in my house :hugs: :+1:


Okay so how many think she is going to wait for him??

well at the moment she clearly wants to wait thats why shes wearing his necklace to hold on to something while hes gone


Usually conscripts also have vacations they can take and so he can come and visit her. I do not think they won’t see each other for a whole year…

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What happened to Sawyer.

Mandatory army service…

Передам ему твои слова🏡


Oh no hope he will be ok.