Make right side scrollable

completely different idea: there is this plugins called stylish (old) or stylus (new), with which you can adapt/tweak UI’s locally to your needs.
is someone here able to create a ‘basic package’ consisting of all frames and their positions and dimensions? then everyone can, with a little sk__l and little effort, adjust the sizes of the individual frames

Might be an idea… :+1:

I don’t have 4K (have 2560*1080) and here appears like this on desktop.

Guess looking to the left side, i believe it’s something can be replicated on right side

On laptop is normal on both sides (1920*1080)

Finally!!. Someone listened to me.

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That’s a good point. Sorry for not taking this into consideration. Please check how it looks now on your side

Here working perfect now, tks.


this looks perfect to me. no scrolling on the pc as long as the window is big enough, but scroll bars if there is not enough space. Excellent!
and on the phone I see 14 cams before the scroll bar appears


Great. Another solution, which should be even easier, is to make the map’s cameras clickable.

By the way, are the VHTV servers slow this week? It’s taking a long time to load videos and even pictures. I have a very fast internet access (1GB), and all my other sites are loading fine. I didn’t have any issues before but for the last two weeks it has been slow

click zones on the floor plan … yes, that shouldn’t be very complicated, right.

and as far as the servers are concerned: everything is running normally here, no noticeable losses in speed can be seen

OK Thanks. It’s running better today

that has been asked before, but never a clear answer in that matter has been provided