Maddy & Rocco

My opinion: forum members over-reacted on this case. I don’t see any malicious intentions coming from Jin. I can understand the inconvenience the image feed could cause to somebody. That’s why we come to the solution of posting lots of images into single gallery in respect to everybody else within the same threads.

FUCK! She’s back :disappointed:

Maddy is one stunning lady! Rocco seems like a cool dude.

Don’t worry, I like the pictures, one posts pictures of feet, the other of buttocks, what’s the problem, if you don’t want to see them scroll further…

Jin the only problem i have with you is that as much as i enjoy the apartment ( and i really do) i have spent the best part of an hour rolling through the last 24 hours and then when i turn to the forum there are 110 new comments , some of yours , the majority of which i have already seen, and a lot more , many complaints which i end up skimming through because they ( and you a little bit) have made the whole apartment gforum fairly boring. I think you are all causing boredom by excess. I like short snappy comments ( hopefully humorous ones or sexy ones) that i can read fairly wuickly. No point anybody replying to me. I am not about to engage in a long ( boring ) debate about it I love you all…

remember that johnfeet has created his own topic

ass to ass dildo would be welcome here; go for it, girls :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :+1:

That reminds me must go to McDonalds later but with extra filling :rofl:

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A Double Wopper :rofl:

With no strings attached :rofl:

You guys making me hungry. :shushing_face: :laughing:

But she has a very nice butt do.

Is anilingus on the menu? :upside_down_face:

If my girlfriend wants to yea. :thinking:

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I don’t know how the galleries thing works and I don’t have any interest it.

Maybe they are going to read us a book. That would be awesome!

Can someone post a comment so I can get out of post jail? Gawd! :joy:

I’m the one who made the request