Maddy & Rocco

Not showing for me anymore…

works for me. thanks jabbs. :+1:

Ok fixed, I accidently did muted.

@marcie59 but why it upset you??? are you f___ed to open this thread?? Many could say the same about others repetead post after post about how boring and s___py places are.

Hint: You can disable the notifications for this realm at forum. Just select muted

People have the option to ignore me if they deem me boring. I do not see why I need to see 100 photos when I can see the feed. Most post one photo when something interesting is happening in an apartment.

You don’t need to see… You are seeing because you want. And not everyone at foruns can see the feed. You have a subscription that allows you to, but many others don’t.

Definitely there is a reason for this guy just keep spamming all the photos, specially when nothing is happening. @VHTV_James will you take some action for this, cause it does look suspicious.

Plus I think it is pretty obvious this is done to promote the realm… Maybe M&R are the ones behind that account…

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And if they are they are doing (what a surprise) a very bad marketing service… So it’s perfect like this :joy: I don’t see a problem at all on what Jin is doing (and no, this time isn’t irony :smiley: )

amber and dane is full of latina women

You are right about that Jin goodlooking girls !

I was saying please don’t take pictures of what you referred to previously! I was just trying to make light of the situation you talked about. :slight_smile:

amazon facebook GIF

david you might want to head over to Demira apartment a few guys playing around

Yes, I saw that actually…thank you for telling me though. :slight_smile:

I also paid but I do not send 300 photos in 50 minutes, you like girls, create your own topic

This moron does not listen, put him on ignore. Seems we are in the minority as many think it is normal and OK to spam with what we can see on the feed.

the administrators must react because it is a___e

Ok sorry I had forgotten about that comment. This dude really annoyed me but luckily I have him on ignore.

Why dont stop talking about Jin he or she is not going to stop. :shushing_face: :thinking: