Maddy & Rocco

Don’t really see what fair has got to do with it really as if people are watching they will always use the best cam anyway.after all you wouldn’t watch from the worst cam, well i wouldn’t as you want the best view possible in any of the apartments.

I know what you are trying to explain but your bias towards this place is over shadowing your point. There have been many places just as bad if not worse than here have done the same thing.


No problem. Most important is when VHTV sees the problem

I do not remember any place before doing that so extreme. I am not biased. I just do not like when people do not play fair and after that do not even admit it

That’s good so happiness is all around then now, thank god for that. :rofl:

Sure. I am happy. Do not worry :wink:

You can’t argue against someone who does not want to see or never liked them in the first place :sweat_smile:

Am sure you are and i am certainly not worried.

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Everyone is biased about one thing or another, it’s a human trait.


Especially +7 zones :rofl: Better not start another debate off though :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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I am totally calm. Guess what: I like Montana & Eva :innocent:

Had a little warning from Admin it seems as i have exceeded 10 posts on this subject so better be a good boy for a while :roll_eyes:

LOOL Guess you didn’t notice about their daily cam shows yet :rofl:

Fucking hell so miracles are possible then :open_mouth:

Yes I did. I watch something else til they are finished

Parece que la charla con el gerente los a echo cambiar de opinión ya volvieron los muebles a su sitio y de momento Kate no esta en el apartamento formalmente.

Ty, Glad to know :speak_no_evil::sunflower:

In that project there was one more reality show theme, So we had scheduled activities, also shows paid for by the tippers, and we had all kinds of competences. That was a totally different format than VHTV

Querida Maddy pues os lo han jodido, pero vosotros estáis para VHTV no para que Kate utilice el apartamento como un estudio, y ponga el coño delante de la cámara, es muy aburrido ya que no se mete el consolador nunca y no lo disfruta y pone cara de mentira, vosotros 2 Rocco y tu follais de vez en cuando pero ella es verla la cara de aburrida que pone, no hay en Kate pasión vosotros si la tenéis.

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aparently what they were doing was beeter than what @VHTV_CEO cause here we end up geting a pussy 2 inches away from cam :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: