Maddy & Rocco

Well they are webcammers and therefore might think the audience is stupid and will believe anything. But does not work that way here…

Well in spite of your opinion viewers obviously like them as they are often in the previews. The audience is not stupid they watch what they want to watch not what you want them to watch. Which way is it supposed to work then? How you want it to? Come on lighten up Jabs it’s not all about you.


VH it’s not a ridiculous sex competition begging by tokens all the time in a “fight” full of porn stars and webcammers

They were cheating themselves into the previews. By blocking all other cams with the sofa leaving only one cam with a good view. So all views the place gets are focussed on one cam. No surprise they will be in previews. That was exactly why support removed them from the previews yesterday.

So support now deliberately deprives them of income eh. well that’s novel eh? To be fair blocking cam views with furniture is not playing the game but then two wrongs don’t make it right.How can anyone cheat themselves into the previews? They only get into the previews by people watching them surely? No watching no previews, simple really.

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The other two cams are too far away anyway so are useless really wherever the furniture is.

You did not understand my previous post. I will explain it again. Let’s say the pussy cam show can be watched by three cams. The cam with the best view let’s say gets 400 views. The one with a bit worse view 200 and the free cam 350. Now we block all cams but the one the closest to the view. Not everybody from the freecam will switch to a pay cam but lets’s see 100 from the free cam will switch to the pay cam and also 100 more from the other cam with the worse view. So now we have 600 views on one cam. This will get them with a much higher possibility into the previews than with 400 views. Now let’s assume another place put a lot of effort with a great party and all three livingroom cams have 500 views. Still the cheating with the pussy cam show cam will get them in front of the other cams. And exactly because of that unfair behavior towards other realms they got removed from the previews. And I will keep reporting them when they do it again. Because it is simply not fair.

Best send in the heavy gang then and sort them out. :rofl: Alls fair in love and war so they say.

I do not understand? :thinking:

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Like i don’t understand many of your views.

You did not understand my explanation?

Oh i understood it but if anyone was going to watch them in the living room they would always watch on that cam as the other two are too far away so your argument is irrelvant. As is the free cam argument as they are not supposed to show good views anyway.

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Well seems VHTV agrees to my point of view…

Not surprised at all.

Why don’t VHTV do something about it if it’s that important?

They did. Removing them from the previews and they got a serious talk with their manager.

Seems we have had a rearrangement of the furniture now so now they will be even more in the previews :rofl:

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This is assuming a lot considering what the parties have been like recently and the amount of complaints on how boring they are. :rofl:.

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I was just trying to explain why it is not fair :wink:

And maybe like it happen in the past, the ones that complain now in some months will be “crying” that they miss that parties and they were great
