
Disgusting people. I remember they treated one of the guest girls like a slave of theirs…

I remember. Sex has many faces.

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Have you ever heard of BDSM games? if it’s consensual, you don’t have to be judgmental

Not BDSM games at all. They made her so _____ that she p________t and also hurt her knees really bad. Nothing to do with BDSM…

Careful pal that halo’s slipping a bit :rofl:

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My halo? You think I should have ordered it a size bigger or smaller? :joy::joy:

No seriously I have nothing against BDSM and for example I didn’t like Christian & Ruta because personally I think they are weird but they didn’t mean things like Bonnie & Clyde did. B&C were fined multiple times for their doings.

But now I think we should get back to topic, pal :wink:

That could be possible, but I always thought it was when the camera is triggered by movement and now I have learned sound also.

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damn livio brought 3 new guys lucile is going to need a new pussy :joy::joy:

the word is spreading quickly about her :joy::joy:

To be b____lly honest I think the timeline is a load crap. I too have seen high peaks and no movement or even nobody in the room. But as I have learned with this brand of camera they do give a lot of false events, like the light in the room changing, the picture on the TV or sounds, even at night particles of dust or cobwebs caught in the IR light causes false events. I just dropped in to Candy and can hear the kids playing outside, that will trigger recording. Another thing is how they have set up the sensitivity of the camera to movement and sound and also how long it is set to pre-record before an event and how long to record after an event. I did ask VHTV to set the cameras to use the PIR sensor only instead of the frame comparison method as the PIR only detects heat changes and would give far less false alarms, needless to say they never got back to me. All of the above will have drastic effects on how the timeline behaves. For instance take cameras 4 and 6 at Henry’s 4 has a baseline which is quite high because it’s sound is poor(lots of interference) but six’s baseline is how it should be on the bottom of the graph. As I said I only use that timeline as a rough guide and all the above is why.

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If he carries on like this she will have on of two things, a fanny like a wizards cuff or an STI, possibly both

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I think they are there for a hair cut :wink:

Lol that joke you got from “Borat” :joy: :joy:

Damn, maybe with fringe benefits possibly :rofl: :rofl: :crazy_face:

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It is on there, but that saying has been around well before Borat was released :rofl:

I heard it there first and I couldn’t stop laughing :rofl: :rofl:

Possible. Might be a way to boost the popularity of his business :see_no_evil: :joy:

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Didn’t realise the bowl cut was in fashion :rofl: :rofl:


Anything for the weekend Sir? Yes, do you mind if I fuck your girlfriend? Ah that will be extra Sir, if your dick is bigger than mine, that is.

She is his friends girlfriend :rofl: :stuck_out_tongue:

does lesley have anything other than that same red shirt :thinking::joy: