
Reminds me of Dean he only had one shirt and one pair of shorts too :joy: :see_no_evil:

like sponge bob :joy:

lucile left with the guys the apartment isn’t big enough for the gangbang :joy:

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lucile needs to just fuck livio and get it over with :joy:

lucile isn’t lesley girlfriend she is everyone’s girlfriend :joy:

another threesome could be coming :joy:

livio is in love :joy:

Please stop just quoting random people in each post. :point_down:

I deleted I will not post sorry anymore.

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As I understand how the site works, the cameras are always recording. Recording is not triggered by sound or movement or anything else. The cameras record 100% of the time, 24/7.

Yes it does, but it is tricky trying to explain how it works so here goes. The main layer is the constant recording, baseline or the bottom of the graph, Then there are several other different layers which comprise of the different methods in which the camera is set to detect. So basic is Motion, tampering detection, alarm input and PIR alarm . Smart events depending on camera model are Audio exception, intrusion detection, scene items missing, face detection, line crossing and so on, there are lots. They are all then put into a recording timeline and when any event is detected they are spiked from the base line, the base line being the constant recording. Some of the cameras particularly cam 4 at M and H’s realm have a lot of noise interference so the camera adapts to this and the baseline is above the bottom of the graph. As I said it is hard to explain but I hope I made it a little more clearer than mud.


More fucking confused than ever now :rofl:

@Eugene182453 probably taught him that. :sweat_smile:

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New guest guy fucking lucile i think he needs a name :thinking: :joy:

wors is spreading fast about lucile :joy:

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Not just one guy…:thinking::wink: In sauna she is getting gangbang….

The guy in the hat isn’t fucking he is just in the fucking way :joy:

Other guy asking him do u wanna fuck and he is like no…. :rofl::rofl:

Sauna cam 14 view….:confused: only u can listn sound…

Okay let’s name him Lennon

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yes the house of L’s :joy:

the guy in the hat probably jerking them off :joy:

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Who was the young lad on the floor fucking Lesley? She was in the shower giving him a bj beforehand.

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